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History Prof. Katherine Massoth on the history of the U.S./Mexico border

History Prof. Katherine Massoth on the history of the U.S./Mexico border

History Prof. Katherine Massoth discusses the long, tortured history of the U.S. border with Mexico and how we got to the position we're in today on the southern border.

History Prof. Katherine Massoth on the history of the U.S./Mexico border - Read More…

Journalist-professor to discuss race, justice in America

Journalist-professor to discuss race, justice in America

Columnist Jelani Cobb will discuss “The Half-life of Freedom: Race and Justice in America Today” Nov. 20, 2019 during the University of Louisville’s 13th annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture.

Journalist-professor to discuss race, justice in America - Read More…

Historian to lecture about protests, politics in Ecuador

Historian to lecture about protests, politics in Ecuador

A history professor and Ecuadoran university president will speak Nov. 20, 2019 at the University of Louisville about social movements, power and politics in Ecuador.

Historian to lecture about protests, politics in Ecuador - Read More…