A&S Faculty Assembly Minutes April 7, 2009

College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty Assembly

April 17, 2009


Registering Attendance:


Anthropology:                         A. Harris

Biology:                                  R. Fell, M. Klotz

Chemistry:                               R. Buchanan, J. Richardson

Classical & Modern Lang.:     S. Becker, R. Buchanan, W. Cunningham, M. Dalle,

                                                G. Hutcheson, R. Luginbill, A. Mastri, F. Nuessel,

                                                W. Pfeffer, R. Roebuck, C. Sullivan, L. Zeng

Communication:                      B. Edwards, J. Ferre

English:                                   M. Biberman, T. Byers, G. Cross, J. Dietrich, S. Griffin,

                                                K. Hadley, D. Hall, C. Mattingly, G. Nunez, G. Ridley,

                                                S. Ryan, B. Willey, B. Williams, E. Wise, J. Wolfe,

                                                T. Yohannes

Fine Arts:                                D. Lai

Geography/Geosciences:         C. Hanchette, C. Leuthart, J. McCarty, W. Song

History:                                   B. Beattie, G. Crothers, J. Cumbler, B. Harrison, D. Krebs,

                                                Y. Ma, E. McInnis, J. McLeod, R. Njoku, L.S. Weissbach

Humanities:                             A. Allen, E. Patton, P. Pranke, T. Soldat-Jaffe, M. Stenger,

Mathematics:                           C. Hu, B. Li, R. Powers, T. Riedel, D. Wildstrom

Pan-African Studies:               J. B. Hudson

Philosophy:                             D. Owen, O. Wiggins

Physics:                                   D. Brown

Political Science:                     J. Gainous, T. Gray, S. Matarese, R. Payne

Psychology:                             S. Meeks

Sociology:                               J. Beggan, J. Busch, A. Furr, G. Marshall, C. Negrey,

                                                J. Rieger

Theatre Arts:                           N. Burton

Urban & Public Affairs:          L. Bright

Women’s & Gender Studies:  C. Fosl, D. Heinecken, N. Theriot

A & S Student Council:          J. Bender




Professor Byers, Chair, called the Assembly  to order.


The minutes of the meeting of March 13, 2009, were approved as distributed.


The Chair recognized Professor Hall who moved approval of the candidates for graduation for May 2009, pending successful completion of all requirements.  The motion was seconded.  The motion was approved unanimously.


The Chair recognized Professor Richardson, who moved, seconded by the Honors Advisory Committee, the naming of Neil K. Gupta, a Spanish major, as the Woodcock Medalist  for 2008-2009.  The Chair put the question and the motion carried unanimously.


The Chair opened the floor to nominations for Assembly officers for AY 2009-2010.  Professor Byers was re-elected Chair for Fall 2009 and Professor Hall was elected Chair for Spring 2010.  Professor Hall was elected Parliamentarian for Fall 2009 and Professor Wise was elected Parliamentarian for Spring 2010. 


Dean Hudson briefly discussed the budget situation for the coming year.


Hearing no call for further business, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn.  Motion for adjournment was made and seconded and approved unanimously.

