Monday Memo November 18, 2019

Dean's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to encourage you to apply for the Commonwealth Center for Humanities & Society (CCHS) Faculty Fellows program. The theme for AY21 will be The "Anthropocene, Environment, and Modernity." The research and creative activities of many of our tenure-track faculty will fall within the realm of this theme, and the purpose of the Fellows program is to promote multidisciplinary research and collaboration. More info about the program and how to apply is below.

Also, we hope you'll join us for two big A&S lectures this Wednesday, November 20. At 4:30 PM in SRB 139, the 18th Annual Latin American and Latino Heritage Lecture "Social Movements, Authoritarian Regimes & Caudillismo in Ecuador" will be presented by Dr. Enrique Ayala Mora. Immediately after, Columbia Professor of Journalism Dr. Jelani Cobb delivers the 13th Annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture "The Half-Life of Freedom: Race and Justice in America Today" in Comstock Hall at the School of Music. Both events are free, open to the public, and incredibly relevant to today's political climate.


Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Ph.D.

In Memoriam

Dr. Wei-Fei "Chris" Huang, 1930-2019

We are saddened to report Wei-Fei "Chris" Huang, Emeritus Professor of Physics, passed away November 13th in Seattle, Washington. Born January 23, 1930, Prof. Huang served as a faculty member in the Department of Physics & Astronomy for over 40 years, retiring in 2004. Funeral services will take place on December 21st in Bellevue, Washington.

Great Place to Learn

2020 Undergraduate Arts & Research Showcase

Please share with your students and save the date: Wednesday, April 15, 12 - 2 PM in the SAC Ballroom. Project abstract due date: Wednesday, March 25 by 5 PM.

We encourage broad participation, from all academic disciplines and community engagement efforts. More details coming soon.

Sociology alum makes a big difference in a small village

Find out howa stint in the Peace Corps led Ben Belknap (BS, Sociology '06) to pursue a career in medicine and start a non-profit in Tanzania with Professors Angela Orend and Patricia Gagné (Sociology).

Great Place to Work

CCHS Faculty Fellowships 2020-21: Call for Applications

"The Anthropocene, Environment, and Modernity"
Deadline: December 16, 2019

The Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society invites applications for up to six Internal Faculty Fellows. Fellows are required to be in residence during the academic year, to present one lecture or one workshop on their research, and to participate regularly in the activities and organization of the Humanities Research Lab while completing their own research projects. They will each receive one course release and a supplemental research/travel stipend estimated at $1,500.

Fellows will play a role in shaping CCHS programming for the academic year, from inviting distinguished guest speakers to finding innovative ways to share scholarship with our arts and culture partners in the community.

Applications require a current CV, a proposal of up to 1,000 words describing the project to be pursued while a Fellow, and a brief letter of support from the faculty member’s department chairperson that guarantees the one course release and comments on the substance of the application. Please email materials to CCHS Interim Director, Alan Golding. Fellows will be appointed by the Dean, as recommended by the CCHS Advisory Board, and will be named in January 2020. More information.

Don't forget to nominate your colleagues for Candy Kudos

The Candy Kudos program is a way to recognize your colleagues for the great work they do each day. Submit your nominations here.

Great Place to Invest

Ford Hall Goes to Washington trivia night raises funds, fun

Faculty, alumni, and students came out in droves last Thursday for the Department of Political Science's Ford Hall Goes to Washington trivia fundraiser at Monnik Beer. Supporters enjoyed a great party for an even greater cause — sponsoring student internship expenses in Washington D.C. this summer. Check out the full photo album and learn more about sponsoring student D.C. internships.

In the News

Heal the Air (Today's Woman, 11/5/19) - Prof. Lauren Heberle (Sociology, Center for Environmental Policy and Management, Superfund Research Center) profiled.

College towns go blue, aiding Beshear in governor race (WKU Herald, 11/11/19) - Prof. Dewey Clayton (Political Science) discussed voter turnout.

'Chromatic Homes' is the Louisville adult coloring book you didn't know you needed(Courier-Journal, 11/12/19) Prof. John Gilderbloom (Urban and Public Affairs) releases coloring book.

Opinion: Kentucky will elect more Matt Bevins if it doesn't learn these critical lessons. (Courier-Journal, 11/13/19) - Op-ed by Prof. Ricky Jones (Pan African Studies)

Louisville mayor says downtown amid a 'real renaissance.' Here's what's been changing. (Courier-Journal, 11/13/19) - Includes data from Prof. Matt Ruther (Urban and Public Affairs, Director of Urban Studies Institute)

Election insiders expect little change from recanvass of Kentucky governor's race. (WDRB, 11/14/19) - Prof Dewey Clayton (Political Science) quoted.

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden calls Braidy's dealings with then-sanctioned Russian firm 'troubling' (Courier-Journal, 11/15/19) - Prof. Charles Ziegler (Political Science) quoted.