minutes 4-19-13

College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Assembly
April 19, 2013

Registering Attendance:

Anthropology: J. Burnet, S. Parkhurst, C. Tillquist
Biology: J. Steffen
Chemistry: R. Buchanan, J. Richardson
Classical & Modern Lang: W. Cunningham, M. Dalle, T. Dumstorf, B. Fonseca-Greber, J. Gabbard, M. Groenewold, G. Hutcheson, D. LaLonde, A. Leidner,
A. Mastri, M. Medina, F. Nuessel, W. Pfeffer, M. Rodriguez, R. Roebuck, L. Wagner, W. Yoder
Communication: M. Cunningham, L. Della, M. D’Silva, S. Esrock, J. Ferré, A. Futrell, S. Smith, R. St. Clair
English: D. Anderson, M. Biberman, D. Billingsley, B. Boehm, K. Chandler, G. Cross, J. Dietrich, P. Griner, K. Hadley, D. Hall, S. Henke, K. Kopelson, B. Leung, J. Romesburg, S. Ryan, S. Schneider,
H. Stanev, B. Willey, E. Wise
Fine Arts: S. Jarosi, K. Jongwoo, D. Lei
Geography/Geosciences: C. Hanchette, D. Howarth, K. Mountain, W. Song, H. Zhang
History: G. Carlton, M. Taylor, L.S. Weissbach
Humanities: A. Allen, N. Polzer
Justice Administration: T. Edwards, T. Hughes
Mathematics: C. Biro, L. Larson, R. Powers, T. Riedel, P. Sahoo, D. Wildstrom, S. Young
Philosophy: A. Kolers, O. Wiggins
Physics: D. Brown, G. Williger, M. Yu
Political Science: D. Clayton, J. Farrier, T. Gray, R. Payne, L. Rhodebeck, C. Ziegler
Psychology: S. Meeks
Sociology: C. Negrey
Theatre Arts: N. Burton, R. Vandenbroucke
Urban & Public Affairs: D. Simpson
Women’s & Gender St: C. Fosl, D. Heinecken, K. Story
Guests: C. Mattingly, SGA

Professor Leung, Parliamentarian, presiding in the absence of Professor Byers, called the Assembly to order.

The minutes of the Assembly of January 18, 2013, were approved as distributed.

The Chair recognized Professor Dietrich, who moved approval of the undergraduate and graduate candidates for May, pending successful completion of all requirements.  The motion carried unanimously.

Professor Richardson moved, seconded by the Honors Thesis Committee, the designation of Rosslyn E. Steinmetz as the 2013 Woodcock Medalist.  The motion carried unanimously.

The Chair announced that the floor was open for nominations for Assembly officers for AY 13-14.   Professor Byers was elected Chair of the Assembly and Professor Leung was elected Parliamentarian.

The Chair recognized Ms. Carrie Mattingly, president-elect of the SGA, who made a presentation on the +/- grading scale at UofL, as it applies to A grades.  Ms. Mattingly requested consideration of the SGA proposal that A+ carry 4.3 quality points in the calculation of grade point average for undergraduates (with the highest possible cumulative  gpa remaining 4.0).

Professor Wise moved that this proposal be considered by the Assembly.  The motion carried.  Discussion included Professors Polzer, Meek, Roebuck, and   Kolers.

Professor Weissbach called a point of order.  The motion was to consider the proposal and the discussion was addressing the merits of the  proposal itself.  

Professor Pefffer called the question on consideration of the SGA proposal.  The motion to consider carried.  

Professor Steffan moved adoption of the SGA proposal.  The motion was seconded.  

Discussion include Professor Polzer, Hughes, and Kopelson.

Hearing no call for further discussion, the Chair put the question and the motion failed.

The meeting was adjourned.