Programs and Resources for Kentucky Students (K-12)

The McConnell Center offers a number of programs and resources for Kentucky students grades K-12, the goal being to enhance students' civic education. Post graduation, exceptional Kentucky high school students are encouraged to apply to the McConnell Scholars Program.

Young Leaders Academy (Grades 9-12)

The Young Leaders Academy (YLA) is a four-day, all-expenses-paid summer residential program at the University of Louisville for Kentucky students who have completed at least one year of high school by the time of the conference. 

The theme of the annual conference is "Revisiting American Constitutionalism." Sessions are led by faculty, staff, and students at the University of Louisville, as well as other experts in the field of the American founding. Conference topics include the origins of the written constitution, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist debates, and a variety of other topics pertinent to the birth of the United States. 

All students selected to attend the conference will receive a full scholarship that includes free lodging, meals, and all conference materials. Applicants will need to fill out the YLA application, submit a resume, obtain one letter of recommendation, and submit a 500-700 word essay based on the following prompt: 

"How do you define good leadership? Why do you wish to attend YLA?"


Class Visits 

Tour the Civic Education Gallery of the U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell and Secretary Elaine L. Chao Archives at the University of Louisville. Built around the lives and careers of Sen. McConnell and Sec. Chao, the gallery is designed to educate visitors about American government, history and politics.

Podcast Series 

Enjoy episodes of the McConnell Center Podcast, which offers thought-provoking conversations with authors, scholars, leaders in the U.S. military and political professionals. Interviews focus on leadership, literature, history, education, politics and life.

Also be sure to check out Vital Remnants, a podcast hosted by McConnell Center Director Gary Gregg, where he considers how lessons from classic works are relevant to today's leadership opportunities and challenges.