BOT Regular Meeting, 1-25-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 2-7-2024
BOT Finance Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-18-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 5-16-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT Finance Committee Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee 6-27-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-25-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 8-9-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Ad Hoc Presidential Search Policies and Procedures Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Finance Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-24-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 12-19-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 2-7-2024
BOT Finance Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee Meeting, 3-21-2024
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-18-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 5-16-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT Finance Committee Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee 6-27-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 6-27-2024
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-25-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 8-9-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Ad Hoc Presidential Search Policies and Procedures Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Finance Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-19-2024
BOT and ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-24-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 12-19-2024
BOT Special Meeting, 1-4-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 1-19-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 1-30-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 2-24-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-20-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Human Resources Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 6-22-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-25-2023
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-25-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 12-14-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-14-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 1-19-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 1-30-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 2-24-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 3-16-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-20-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Human Resources Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-22-2023
BOT Special Meeting, 6-22-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Finance Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 9-21-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-25-2023
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-25-2023
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 12-14-2023
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-14-2023
BOT Regular Meeting, 1-20-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 1-26-2022
BOT Executive Committee, 2-24-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 2-17-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 3-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 3-30-2022
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee 4-21-2022
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-21-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 4-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 5-19-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 5-25-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee, 7-14-2022
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-14-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 8-24-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-13-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee 9-23-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-28-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 10-6-2022
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-28-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-28-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-4-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-7-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-14-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-18-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-30-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 12-15-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs, 12-15-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-15-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 1-26-2022
BOT Executive Committee, 2-24-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 2-17-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 3-17-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 3-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 3-30-2022
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee 4-21-2022
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-21-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 4-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 5-19-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 5-25-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-23-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, & Nominating Committee, 7-14-2022
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-14-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 8-24-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-13-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee 9-23-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-23-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-28-2022
BOT Presidential Search Committee Meeting, 9-29-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 10-6-2022
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-28-2022
BOT Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-28-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-4-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-7-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-14-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-18-2022
BOT Special Meeting, 11-30-2022
BOT Finance Committee, 12-15-2022
BOT Academic and Student Affairs, 12-15-2022
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-15-2022
BOT Regular Meeting, 1-21-2021
Human Resources Committee, 3-18-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-18-2021
Finance Committee, 3-18-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 4-22-2021
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-22-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 5-18-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 6-24-2021
Human Resources Committee, 6-24-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-24-2021
Finance Committee, 6-24-2021
Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-24-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-24-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 7-15-2021
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-15-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 8-2-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 8-4-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 8-26-2021
Finance Committee, 9-23-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-23-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-23-2021
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-29-2021
BOT Audit Minutes, 10-29-2021
BOT GTN Minutes, 10-29-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 12-6-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 12-8-2021
BOT ASA Minutes, 12-16-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-16-2021
BOT Finance Minutes, 12-16-2021
Human Resources Committee, 3-18-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 3-18-2021
Finance Committee, 3-18-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 4-22-2021
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-22-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 5-18-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 6-24-2021
Human Resources Committee, 6-24-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 6-24-2021
Finance Committee, 6-24-2021
Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 6-24-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-24-2021
Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 7-15-2021
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-15-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 8-2-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 8-4-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 8-26-2021
Finance Committee, 9-23-2021
Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 9-23-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-23-2021
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-29-2021
BOT Audit Minutes, 10-29-2021
BOT GTN Minutes, 10-29-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 12-6-2021
BOT Special Meeting, 12-8-2021
BOT ASA Minutes, 12-16-2021
Executive and Compensation Committee, 12-16-2021
BOT Finance Minutes, 12-16-2021
BOT Regular Meeting (1-23-2020)
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 2-24-2020
BOT Finance, 4-23-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs, 4-23-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 4-23-2020
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-23-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs, 6-25-2020
BOT Finance, 6-25-2020
BOT & ULRF Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee, 6-25-2020
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-25-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 7-16-2020
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-16-2020
BOT Human Resources Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Finance Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT & ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-28-2020
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-28-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Finance Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Human Resources Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Executive & Compensation Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 2-24-2020
BOT Finance, 4-23-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs, 4-23-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 4-23-2020
BOT Regular Meeting, 4-23-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs, 6-25-2020
BOT Finance, 6-25-2020
BOT & ULRF Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee, 6-25-2020
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 6-25-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 7-16-2020
BOT Annual Meeting, 7-16-2020
BOT Human Resources Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT & ULRF Governance, Trusteeship, and Nominating Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Finance Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT Executive and Compensation Committee, 9-24-2020
BOT & ULRF Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee, 10-28-2020
BOT Regular Meeting, 10-28-2020
BOT Academic & Student Affairs Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Finance Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Human Resources Committee, 12-10-2020
BOT Executive & Compensation Committee, 12-10-2020
Meeting minutes for prior years can be requested here.