Institutional Research, Analytics, and Decision Support


  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert, Young, Krista. "Examining Course Grades Through a Social Equity Lens Part 2: Implementation." May 30, 2024. Association for Institutional Research (AIR) 2024 Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert, Graycarek, Young, Krista. "University of Louisville Partner Profile: Strategies to Institutionalize Business Processes." April 13, 2023. Education Advisory Board (EAB) - Virtual.
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert. "A Guided Tour Through the PDP to Gain Insights into Strataegic Student Success Questions." April 28, 2023 Complete Colleges of America (CCA) conference (co-sponsored by SACSCOC).
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert, Young, Krista. "Examining Course Grades Through a Social Equity Lens." February 17, 2023. Kentucky Association of Institutional Research (KAIR) 2023 Annual Conference. Received KAIR Best Presentation Award
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert, Young, Krista. "Examining Course Grades Through a Social Equity Lens." June 1, 2023. Association for Institutional Research (AIR) 2023 Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert. "Determining Student Sentiment Using Blue Text Analytics (BTA): Implementation of Grade Pathways."  February 23, 2018. Bluenotes APAC 2018 Conference.
  • Goldstein, Robert.  "Analytics in Higher Education: The Pathway to Our Future." February 22, 2018, Bluenotes APAC 2018 Conference - Keynote Speaker.
  • Saab, Samer., Patterson, Becky. "So Your Institution Has Purchased Blue. Now What? eXplorance's CEO has the answers!" August 9, 2018.  Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky., Goldstein, Robert. "Determining Student Sentiment Using Blue Text Analytics (BTA): Implementation of Grade Pathways."   August 9, 2018. Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Goldstein, Robert. "Analytics in Higher Education:  The Pathway to Our Future." August 9, 2018.  Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Goldstein, Robert., Nelson, Rob., Baccile, Peter. "Panel Discussion: Navigating Policies Towards Integrated Grade Pathways." August 9, 2018. Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Jang, Yeona., Patterson, Becky. "Tapping into the Power of Peer Experiences:  Bluenotes Consortium for Benchmarks (BCB)." August 8, 2018. Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Nelson, Rob., Patterson, Becky,  Wuetherick, Brad. "Panel Discussion: Leveraging Blue Text Analytics to Inform Institutional Decisions." August 8, 2018. Bluenotes Global 2018 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Sheraidah, Mohammed. "Response Rate Monitoring: Technical Overview and Implementation Case Study." August 3, 2017. Bluenotes Americas 2017 Conference.
  • Barrow, Shari., Seach Karen, Votodian, Lisa. "Panel Discussion: Marketing Outreach to Improve Response Rates." August 3, 2017. Bluenotes Americas 2017 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Robert. “Using SAS Visual Analytics to Assess Performance on Strategic Metrics.” June 1, 2017.  Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Robert.  "Grade Pathways." August 4, 2016. Bluenotes Americas 2016 Conference.
  • Barrow, Shari., Bixby, Katie, Horn, Lisa, Partin, Katie.  "The Many Uses of Blue Survey." August 3, 2016. Bluenotes Americas 2016 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold, Goldstein, Robert. "A Comparison of Qualitative Analysis Software Applications Using Course Evaluation Comments." November 17, 2015. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook Arnold, Goldstein, Robert. "Using Blue Text Analytics" November 3, 2015. Bluenotes EMEA User Conference (Dubai, United Arab Emirates - remote presentation).
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold, Goldstein, Robert. "Using Blue Text Analytics." July 30, 2015. Blue Americas 2015 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Robert. "Creating a Culture of Assessment." July 30, 2015. Blue Americas 2015 Conference.
  • Barrow, Shari., Horn, Lisa.  "Demonstration of Blue's Integration with Blackboard using the Blue Portal Integrator (BPI)." July 29, 2015. Blue Americas 2015 Conference.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Robert. "Breaking down barriers to implementing online course evaluations by cultivating institution wide buy-in." June 4, 2015.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Bob. “Identifying Faculty Salary Outliners by Using a Multilevel Regression Model.” November 7, 2014. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Bob. “Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to Determine Faculty Salary Outliers.” May 28, 2014. Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold L., Barrow, Il, Goldstein, Bob. “A Tale of Three Models: What Contributes to Student Persistence.” May 28, 2014. Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Goldstein, Bob. Patterson, Becky S., Barrow, Il. “Analytics in Higher Education: The Pathway to Our Future.” November 7, 2013. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Ruffin, Erika, Hook, Arnold, Goldstein, Bob. “An Investigation of 1st Year Students Not Retained in the 3rd Year.” November 7, 2013. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Barrow, Shari, Goldstein, Bob. “UofL Online Course Evaluation Response Rates: A Focused Examination of an Academic Unit’s Experience.” November 7, 2013. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Bob. “Things We Have Learned from the Transition to Online Course Evaluations at the University of Louisville.” October 23, 2012. Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Saab, Samer. “Things We Learned from the Transition to Online Course Evaluations at the University of Louisville.” August 15, 2012. Blackboard Panelist.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Barrow, Shari, Saab, Samer. “Things We Have Learned from the Transition to Online Course Evaluations.” June 5, 2012. Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Bob, Barrow, Shari. “Our Journey: One Year After the University-wide Transition to Online Course Evaluations.” June 5, 2012. Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold, Barrow, Il, Goldstein, Robert. "Informing Student Retention Programming Through Predictive Modeling: The Next Generation of Analysis." June 5, 2012. Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold, Barrow, Il, Goldstein, Robert, Heidom, Randall Taylor. “Informing Student Retention Programming Through Predictive Modeling: The Next Generation of Analysis.” March 9, 2012. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold, Goldstein, Bob, Barrow, Il. “Informing Student Retention Through Predictive Modeling.” May 23, 2011. Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Hook, Arnold. “AIMing for Higher Enrollment: Using the AIM ACT Information Manager Software as an Enrollment Management Tool.” October 1, 2009. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Yoo, Jae Keun, Datta, Susmita. “OLS-based predictor test in single index model to predict transcription rate by histone acetylation level.” September 16, 2009. Statistics and Probability Letters.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Goldstein, Bob, Gilchrist, Cheryl. “Shifting Institutional Thinking from Viewing Withdrawals as Attrition Casualties to Retention Opportunities: An Examination of Transfer Students.” May 30, 2009. Association for Institutional Research.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Gilchrist, Cheryl, Goldstein, Bob. “Student Demographic Fingerprints: A Practical Methodology to Understand Second and Third Year Retention Rate and Its Relationship to the Six-Year Graduation Rate.” May 25, 2008. Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
  • Patterson, Becky S. "Testing Effects of Predictors Using Data Generated by Non-identify Link Functions of the Single-Index Model: A Monte Carlo Approach." March 31, 2008. Thesis Defense - University of Louisville.
  • Patterson, Becky S., Gilchrist, Cheryl, Goldstein, Bob. “Student Demographic Fingerprints: A Practical Methodology to Understand Second and Third Year Retention Rate and Its Relationship to the Six-Year Graduation Rate.” November 17, 2007. Kentucky Association for Institutional Research.
  • Spencer, Nicole., Coleman, Mary, Newton, Karen, Ziegler, Craig, Patterson, Becky S. "Factors important to patient SELF-MANAGEMENT of diabetes mellitus." November 3-5, 2003. Research! Louisville.