Zoha Mian to Lead Visionary Research in Tanzania with Kean Fellowship

Posted on May 30, 2024
Zoha Mian to Lead Visionary Research in Tanzania with Kean Fellowship

Zoha Mian, rising fourth-year medical student

Zoha Mian, a rising fourth-year medical student at the University of Louisville School of Medicine has been awarded the Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. The Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine is awarded annually to support medical students involved in clinical or research electives in tropical areas. This fellowship will support her research efforts in Tanzania, where she will focus on combating corneal disease and improving eye health in low and middle-income countries.

Mian’s journey to global health began when she pursued a master’s degree at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). “Ultimately, I pursued this master’s to learn how to be a researcher,” said Mian, “I hope to use this experience to spearhead other global health research projects in the future and learn from eye health researchers and doctors abroad on how I can eliminate blindness and increase access in my own setting back home in America.”

The University of Louisville School of Medicine faculty stand as a pillar of support in Mian’s journey. The faculty members at the University of Louisville were instrumental in facilitating my attainment of this award and providing invaluable assistance in navigating logistical challenges,” said Mian. This support has been crucial in her preparation for the fellowship and the work she plans to accomplish while in Tanzania.

Mian’s decision to focus her research endeavors in Tanzania was guided by the country's pivotal role in global health initiatives and the guidance of her mentors from LSHTM, Drs. John Buchan, Astrid Leck, Tara Mtuy, Robert Butcher, and Einoti Matayan. Their extensive research in tackling fungal keratitis provided Mian with the insight and support needed to develop this project.

Inspired by a diverse array of experiences, including attendance at the Global Ophthalmology Summit and insights into the escalating burden of untreated corneal disease in low and middle-income countries, Mian embodies a determination to institute meaningful change in the landscape of eye health. Through her research endeavors in Tanzania, she aspires to not only address the gaps in fungal keratitis treatment but also play a part in paving the way for a more comprehensive, inclusive approach to ocular health that transcends borders and transforms lives.

As Mian embarks on this transformative journey, the ULSOM stands behind her, confident that her research will make strides in advancing global eye health.  Congratulations to Zoha Mian on receiving the Kean Fellowship and best wishes for her research efforts in Tanzania!