Symposium on heart disease in women to showcase healthy lifestyle and stress reduction programs

Symposium on heart disease in women to showcase healthy lifestyle and stress reduction programs

Kendra Grubb, M.D.

Cooking, exercise, acupuncture, yoga and tai chi demos, chair massages and more will help the community learn to reduce stress and improve heart health at the 2015 Louisville Symposium on Heart Disease in Women: Case Studies from the Heart of Louisville on Saturday, May 16.

The symposium is designed to provide the community, physicians, nurses and health professionals up-to-date information on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease in women.

The event will be held from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Jewish Hospital Rudd Heart & Lung Center, part of KentuckyOne Health, in the Hank Wagner Conference Center, located on the top floor. Registration begins at 7 a.m.

In addition to presentations, case studies and panel discussions from leading experts, attendees can participate in a coping skills training session and learn about basic tenants and food prep for a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet used in the Ornish Program for Reducing Heart Disease.

The event is co-directed by Kendra Grubb, M.D., cardiovascular surgeon with University of Louisville Physicians, director of minimally invasive cardiac surgery for the University of Louisville at Jewish Hospital, and assistant professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, and Lorrel Brown, M.D., a cardiologist with University of Louisville Physicians, associate director of the Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship and assistant professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

“Heart disease can be prevented and, in some cases, even reversed through healthy lifestyle choices focusing on diet, exercise and stress reduction,” said Grubb. “In addition to case studies on treatment, the symposium will have a plethora of opportunities for learning about the latest recommendations and tools for heart disease prevention.”

Many of the wellness demos will be presented by staff from the KentuckyOne Health Healthy Lifestyle Centers, which offer cardiac rehab, medically supervised exercise, nutrition counseling, stress management and more to help individuals get healthy and stay well.

Admission is free to students, residents and fellows and $25 for community members. Continuing medical education credits are available for physicians ($100) and allied health professionals/nurses ($50). Registration is available at: or call 502.588.7600.