UofL Bridges to the Baccalaureate (ULBB) Program for JCTC students

For JCTC freshman full-time Associates of Science majors who plan to transfer to the University of Louisville to complete a 4-year degree in STEM+H (science, technology, engineering, math, health)


University of Louisville and Jefferson Community & Technical College Downtown Campus

Applications for summer 2025 are opening soon!

Program Highlights

  • 10-week paid summer research program (May 19 - July 25, 2025) to learn biomedical research skills. $5000 summer salary
  • Pre-transfer mentoring, help with courses, career counseling, advising
  • Take one course (Biol 203-OC) at UofL during spring of freshman or sophomore year but pay JCTC tuition
  • Post-transfer mentoring, help with courses, career counseling, advising
  • Opportunities to present your research locally and at national scientific conferences
  • Networking, planning for next steps after college

ULBB application for summer 2025: coming soon

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until all slots are filled. The first round of review will begin February 3, 2025.

Eligibility (new to ULBB)

  • Freshman at JCTC Downtown campus, with a high school GPA > 2.5 and ACT > 19 preferred
  • Associate of Science (AS) major; full-time student (AA major considered if transferring to a STEM+H field listed below)
  • Intention to transfer to UofL after sophomore year at JCTC; major in a STEM+H degree program (see list below)
  • Interested in a biomedical research or health-related career
  • Can spend two summers working full time in our program for 10 weeks (paid), mid-May to late July
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for this federally-funded program
  • Underrepresented minority students, disabled or economically disadvantaged (see application for definitions)
  • Preference for students prepared to begin the AS degree sequence without remedial courses

2023-24 Applications now open!

  • Go to the link https://forms.office.com/r/J6D6kK3VP2 to apply. Apply early for the best chance to be accepted as applications are reviewed on a rolling basis starting October 6 until all slots are filled.
  • Contact Ms. Jennifer Wells at 502-852-6231 or at ULBB@louisville.edu with ‘ULBB question’ in the subject line if you need more information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Priority will be given to applicants with letters from two references; instruct them to submit letters directly to Ms. Wells at ULBB@louisville.edu, with ‘ULBB reference – student name’ in the subject line as soon as possible. Reference letters should be from former/current teachers, employers, community group leaders, etc, but cannot be a relative of the applicant. Letter writers should provide their contact information, indicate how they know you and for how long, plus address your qualities (e.g., interest in biomedical career, degree plans, work ethic, maturity, etc) that inform their recommendation for the ULBB program. We suggest that applicants point them to this website (https://uofl.me/ulbb) for this information.
  • Applicants will be notified by email within two weeks of application if your application is being considered for one of the slots in the program, so please be certain your email address is correct on your application. You might then be asked to interview with program directors, either in person or online (e.g., Teams, Facetime, Zoom), before a final decision is announced.

This program is funded by NIH award R25GM133328-01.

STEM+H subjects offered to students for bachelor degrees by UofL

Anthropology (forensics)

ChemistryExercise Physiology Nursing

Biomedical Engineering

Computer ScienceExercise SciencePhysics and Astronomy 
BiochemistryComputer Information SystemsMathematicsPsychology
BiologyEngineering (all fields)NeurosciencePublic Health



Megan Jacobs (Neuroscience major, Corbitt Lab), was awarded 2nd Place for her poster presentation of her Year 2 ULBB summer project at Research! Louisville in October, 2023. There is no undergraduate student category at this biomedical research conference, so Megan competed in the Research Staff category which included scientists much senior to her. Congratulations, Megan!

ULBB students presented their summer research experience posters on August 4, 2023. Posters were judged by Drs. Jason Immekus and Nik Short (thanks!). Poster winners were Megan JacobsJessica Shunnarah, and Legacy Carter, pictured below with ULBB faculty Dr. Cynthia Corbitt and Dr. Sham Kakar.

ULBB students Katelyn Chism and Megan Jacobs won 1st and 3rd place, respectively, for their poster presentations at the Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology (OVSOT) Annual Meeting in October 2022! Their mentors are Dr. Rachel Neal and Dr. Cynthia Corbitt in the Department of Biology at UofL.