Amy A. Lemke, PhD, MS
Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Clinical and Translational Research
Director, Community Engaged Research
Norton Children's Research Institute
Dr. Lemke is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Clinical and Translational Research. She received a PhD in Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago and also holds a MS degree in Genetic Counseling from the University of California - Berkeley. Dr. Lemke’s expertise is in precision medicine implementation evaluation and community engaged research strategies with underrepresented populations. She has extensive experience in qualitative, mixed-methods, and survey research to elicit key stakeholder perspectives on the impact and outcomes of genomic technologies in varied settings.
Research Interests
- Precision medicine innovation evaluation
- Genomic health service implementation assessment and outcomes
- Ethical and social issues (ESI) in genomic research and genomic-enabled healthcare
- Community engaged research in underrepresented populations
Current Projects and Grants
- National Human Genome Research Institute. “Utility of Genome Sequencing in Community Care Contexts.” 2022 to 2025. This study explores the potential and actual utilities that children with undiagnosed genetic conditions might receive in community settings as a result of receiving a genomic diagnosis. Co-investigator.
- National Human Genome Research Institute. “SouthSeq: DNA Sequencing for Newborn Nurseries in the South.” 2022 to 2022. This project examines the application of exome and genome sequencing technologies to identify the cause of genetic conditions in newborns and the return of results process by genetics and non-genetics specialists. Co-investigator.
Selected Publications and Manuscripts in Progress
Publications related to community engagement, ESI and genomic research:
- Lemke AA, Wolf WA, Heibert-Berne J, Smith ME (2010). Public and Biobank Participant Attitudes toward Genetic Research Participation and Data Sharing. Public Health Genomics (13)6:368-377.
- Lemke AA, Trinidad SB, Edwards KL,Starks H, Wiesner GL, and the GRRIP Consortium (2010). Attitudes toward Genetic Research Review: A National Survey of Professionals involved in Human Subjects Protections. JERHRE (5) 1:83-91.
- Lemke AA, Wu JT, Brown Trinidad S, Lam A, Pulley J, Waudby C (2010). Community Engagement in Biobanking: Experiences of the eMERGE Network. Genomics, Society and Policy 6(3):35-52.
- Lemke AA, Halverson C, Ross LF (2012). Biobank Participation and Returning Research Results: Perspectives from a Deliberative Engagement in South Side Chicago. Am Jr Med Genet Part A. 158A (5): 1029-1037.
- Lemke AA, Harris-Wai JN (2015). Stakeholder Engagement in Policy Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Human Genomics. Genet Med 17(12): 949-957.
- Madrid S, Blum-Barnett E, Lemke AA, Pan V, Paolino V, McGlynn E, Burnett-Hartman A (2022). “A Gift to My Family for Their Future”: Attitudes About Genetic Research Participation. Public Health Genomics 25:98-107.
- Lemke AA, Esplin ED, Goldenberg, AJ, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Hanchard N, Harris-Wai J, Ideozu JE, Isasi R, Landstrom AP, Prince AER, Turbitt E, Sabatello M. Schrier Vergano AD, Taylor MRG, Yu J-H, Brothers KB, Garrison NA (2022). Addressing Underrepresentation in Genomics Research through Community Engagement. Am Jr Hum Genet 109, 1563-1571.
- Lemke AA, Choi S, Vinh Dang,Tommy Q. Dang, Joon-Ho Yu (2022). Assessing Vietnamese American Patient Perspectives on Genetic Testing in Primary Care: A Community Engaged Approach. HGG Advances 3, 100134, October 13 online.
- Brothers BB, Lemke AA, Outram, SM, MuenzenK, Angelo FA, Biesecker B, Finnila C, Fullerton M, Goddard KAB, Hindorff L, Horowitz C, Jarvik GP, Joseph G, Kauffman TL, Kaufman D, Knight SJ, Koenig BA, Kraft SA, Majumder M, McGuire A, Rini C, Robinson JO, Wilfond BS, AckermanSL (2024). The CSER Underserved Framework: Categorizing Medically Underserved Participants in Translational Genomics Research. Genet Med (under review)
Publications related to precision medicine impacts and outcomes:
- Lemke AA, Hulick P, Hutten CG, Sereika A, Glaser N, Wake D. Dunnenberger M (2017). Primary Care Physician Experiences with Integrated Pharmacogenomic Testing in a Community Health System. Personalized Medicine 14(5): 389-400.
- Lemke AA, Hulick P, Sereika A, Yu K, Wang C, Glaser N, Wake D. Dunnenberger M (2018). Patient Perspectives following Pharmacogenomics Results Disclosure in an Integrated Health System. Pharmacogenomics 19(4): 321-331.
- Lemke AA, Thompson J, Hulick PJ, Sereika A, Johnson C, Oshman L, Dunnenberger HM (2020). Primary Care Physician Experiences Utilizing a Family Health History Tool with Electronic Health Record-Integrated Clinical Decision Support: An Implementation Process Evaluation. J Community Genet 11(3):339-350.
- Lemke AA, Dunnenberger HM, Thompson J, Johnson C, Kuchta K, Ilbawi N, Oshman L, Hulick PJ (2020). Primary Care Physician Experiences with Integrated Population-Scale Genetic Testing: A Mixed Methods Assessment. J Pers Med 10(4):165-172.
- Lemke AA, Amendola L, Thompson J, Dunnenberger HM, Wang C, Kuchta K, Dilzell-Yu K, Johnson C, Hulick P (2021). Patient-reported outcomes and experiences with population genetic testing offered through a primary care network. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 25(2):152-160.
- Vassy JL, Brunette CA, Lemke AA, Clayman ML, Harris E, Antwi A, Macisaac K, Yi T, Kerman B (2023). Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Implementing Precision Prevention Care: Results of a National Physician Survey. Eur J Hum Genet 31, 1309-1316.
- Lemke AA, Thompson ML,Gimpel EC, McNamara KC, Rich CA, Finnila CR,Cochran ME, Lawlor JMJ,East KM, Bowling K, Latner DR, Hiatt SM, Amaral MD, Kelley WV, Greve V, Gray DE, Felker SA, Meddaugh H, Cannon A, Luedecke A, Jackson KE, Hendon LG, Janani HM, Johnston M, Merin LA, Deans SL, Tuura C, Hughes T, Williams H, Laborde K, Neu M, Patrick-Esteve J, Hurst ACE, Kirmse BM, Savich R, Spedale SB, Knight SJ, Barsh GS, Korf BR, Cooper GM, Brothers KB (2023). Parents’ Perspectives on the Utility of Genomic Sequencing in the NICU Setting. J Pers Med. 13(7):1026.
Selected Conference Publications and Presentations
- Where Could this Information End Up? Patient Views toward Privacy and Discrimination after Receiving Results from a Clinical Pre-emptive Genetic Testing Program. ELSI Congress. New York, NY. June 2020.
- Delivering genomics digitally: Are we ready? Moderated session at the American Society of Human Genetics. San Diego, CA. October 2020.
- Patient-reported Outcomes and Experiences with Population Genetic Testing offered through a Primary Care Network. Featured plenary at the American Society of Human Genetics. San Diego, CA. October 2020.
- Community Engaged Research in Precision Medicine: Navigating Steps along the Research Continuum in a Vietnamese American Community-based Project. Panel presentation on Engagement with Historically Marginalized Communities: Methods, Positionality and ELSI in Precision Medicine Research. 5th ELSI Congress. June 2022.
- Addressing Underrepresentation in Genomics Research through Community Engagement: Overview of ASHG Guidance Recommendations for Genomic Researchers. ASHG Summer Impact Panel. July 2022.
- How to Get Started Engaging Underrepresented Communities in Genetics & Genomics Research. ASHG Workshop. October 2022.
- Community Engaged Research in Precision Medicine: Navigating Steps along the Research Continuum in a Vietnamese American Community-based Project. Presented as part of a panel on Engagement with Historically Marginalized Communities: Methods, Positionality and ELSI in Precision Medicine Research. at the 5th ELSI Congress. June 2022.
- Assessing Vietnamese American Patient Views toward incorporating Genomics in Primary Care: A Community Engaged Research Approach. Platform presentation at the American Society of Human Genetics conference. October 2022.
- Constructing Strategies to Address and Assess Equity, Outreach, and Impact in Population Genetic Screening Programs. Presented as co-panelist in ELSI Conversations 3-part series. January 2023.
- Navigating the Use of Population Descriptors in Human Genetics and Genomics Research. American Society of Human Genetics seminar moderator. March 2024.
- Genome Sequencing in Newborn Screening: Sharing opportunities and Challenges. American College of Medical Genetics conference panel moderator. Montreal. March 2024.
- Genomic Testing Utility in the Community: Parent and Community Care Provider Perspectives. ELSI Congress. New York. June 2024.
- Community Engagement Recommendations Preparatory to Research: Making Introductions and Building Partnerships. ASHG webinar presenter. June 2024.
- Sustaining Community Engagement in Genomics Research. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Workshop. Moderated Session II: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustaining Community Engagement and Partnerships in Genomics Research. Washington DC. July 2024.