Our Purpose

Our Purpose

The first step to become a physician is going to medical school. Medical schools have limited class sizes available each year which makes admission very competitive. Admission committees are seeking competitive applicants who have completed their pre-med requirements; are academically strong; have scored well on the MCAT; have had clinical exposure (shadowing); are well rounded; have illustrated a sincere compassion for others through volunteer service; make a great impression during their interview; have solid letters of recommendation and have a genuine interest in medicine.  There is a lot involved in preparing for and applying to medical school. Many students get discouraged or lost in the shuffle without the professional guidance to help them navigate through the preparation process.

As of the fall 2024 semester, our program now has two pathways to medicine; Career Changer and Record Enhancing.  The career changers are students with a bachelors degree who want to become a physician but lack the pre-med course work and preparation. The record enhancers are pre-med students who have taken the pre-med coursework and possibly the MCAT, but need to improve their credentials to be more competitive for medical school admission consideration.

There are numerous record enhancing programs to consider, including the non-thesis M.S. in Physiology Pre-Health Care Track Program at the University of Louisville. Check out https://students-residents.aamc.org/postbacc/ for a listing of post-bac pre-med programs throughout the country to find one that best suits you. 

Our program serves as a supportive navigation system for its students throughout their pre-med journey!