Slavery and the Constitutional Republic

(Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2014) — A four-day conference to Cincinnati, Ohio, co-sponsored by the McConnell Center and Liberty Fund, Inc.
When Jan 30, 2014 12:00 AM to
Feb 02, 2014 12:00 AM
Where Cincinnati, Ohio
Contact Name
Contact Phone 502-852-8811
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Application - due Sept. 6


This conference explores the record of the Constitutional Convention, the ensuing state ratification debates and early federal legislation regulating slavery, along with the Missouri Compromise, the decisive Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, the Dred Scott opinion and Abraham Lincoln’s famous response to Dred Scott.

Kentucky social studies teachers grades 5-12 are eligible to apply; limited to 15. Preference will be given to teachers who have not participated in a McConnell Center professional development opportunity. Extensive pre-reading required.

Conference Topics

  • Slavery and Constitutional Principles
  • Slavery and Representation
  • The Committee of Detail
  • State Ratifying Debates
  • Regulation of the Slave Trade
  • The Final Resolution
  • Conference Discussion Leader

  • Lucas E. Morel, PhD, is a politics professor at Washington and Lee University. He specializes in American government, black politics, political philosophy and the intersection of religion and liberty.