Education Law

Education law includes schools, school systems and school boards, students' rights and student movements.

ImageLeichhardt, Mason
Professor Trucios-Haynes, 2L Jesus Ibanez participate in President Ramsey's diversity discussion
Professor Abrams, Professor Abramson sign separate amicus briefs
Image'Inspiring Experience'
Brandeis students reflect on trip to Supreme Court, meeting with Justice Kennedy center center
ImageAccelerate your path to a legal career
3+3 program allows for jump-start to law school center center
CLE Materials
Materials for the University of Louisville Law Review Symposium, "Balance of Powers: Has the Dignity of the State Courts Been Eclipsed?"
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Enid Trcuios_Haynes With Congressman MAzzoli
Image PNG imageL Thompson
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Image x-conference/x-cooltalk3L interns at Department of Justice
“I think I’ve gotten the best legal experience that I’ve had in my whole law school career.” center center
Brandeis Law School Convocation set for 10 a.m., Sunday, May 12
Brandeis Law students, faculty intrigued by IP law
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String Field application/x-troff-meFirst Name
String Field application/x-troff-meLast Name