Education Law
- Engaging with students over breakfast
- "I continue to be amazed at the diverse backgrounds and talent of the students I meet."
- Congratulations to honorees of 2018 Brandeis Law student awards
- The first annual Elder Law Awareness Day
- The Estate Planning and Elder Law Program held its first Elder Law Awareness Day on March 5, 2018.
- SBA wins University of Louisville's Spirit of Service Award
- JoAnne Sweeny
- JoAnne Sweeny
- Grace Giesel
- Grace Giesel
- Prof. Grace Giesel delivers professional responsibility CLEs
- Ariana Levinson
- Ariana Levinson
- Mondragon
- Mondragon, Spain
- Professor Luke Milligan, far right, joined the James Wilson Institute for a seminar on natural rights at the University of Chicago.
- Professor Luke Milligan, far right, joined the James Wilson Institute for a seminar on natural rights at the University of Chicago.
- Ariana Levinson in Mondragon
- Ariana Levinson in Mondragon
- Inside Mondragon's labor-management relations
- Should we add the Mondragon model to the labor-management relations discussion about Japanese and German-style participatory management?
- #metoo #yotambien #niere
- Professor Levinson's observations about gender equality in Mondragon.
- A look at the ways Mondragon encourages innovation
- What do innovation and entrepreneurship have to do with worker-owned cooperatives?
- Ariana Levinson in the lobby of saiolan
- Ariana Levinson in the lobby of saiolan
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- Munich300X200.png
- Assistant dean wins national award
- 1L Orientation Schedule
- Claude Tackett ('99) named of counsel for South Carolina law firm