Internships - Main page

Steps to Start Your Internship

LAS 400 Application Form -- Project Evaluation Form,

  1. Contact the Location: Reach out to the designated contact person at your chosen location to get specific information about your intended internship activities.
  • Initial Consultation with Dr. Medina: The semester before enrolling in the internship, preferably during Pre-Registration week, schedule a consultation with Dr. Manuel Medina, Director of Latin American Studies. Dr. Medina will help you select an appropriate venue for your internship, provide application forms and guidelines, and suggest a faculty advisor.
  • Complete the Application Process: Follow the application process for your selected location. Note that the process may vary depending on where you plan to intern. This may include submitting an application form, resume, project proposal, background check, and other required documents.
  • Register for LAS 400: Complete the LAS 400 Application Form and obtain all necessary signatures. Once the form is complete, register online for the internship under LAS 400: Latin American Studies Internship.
  • Prepare a Proposal: At least one month prior to beginning the internship, arrange a meeting with the site supervisor and prepare a two-page proposal outlining the objectives and benefits of the internship to both you and the organization. Submit this proposal to Dr. Medina and provide copies to your faculty advisor and site supervisor.
  • Inform Dr. Medina: Once you have finalized your internship plans and completed the necessary paperwork, please notify Dr. Medina.
  • Submit Weekly Progress Reports: After beginning the internship, submit weekly progress reports and your work diary on Blackboard to keep your faculty advisor informed of your progress. If any issues arise, notify your faculty advisor immediately through Blackboard.
  • Prepare Your Final Report and Portfolio: By the end of your internship, prepare a formal five-page report summarizing your experience, as well as a comprehensive PDF portfolio that includes the work diary, signed Project Evaluation Form, and any other relevant materials. Submit the final portfolio on Blackboard. 
  • Obtain Final Evaluation: Request a letter of evaluation from your site supervisor on company letterhead, to be sent to your faculty advisor in a sealed and signed envelope.
  • Begin Your Internship: Start your internship journey and make the most of the experience!
  • Complete Your Internship and Submit Final Materials: Ensure that all internship hours are completed by the last day of the semester. Submit all required materials on Blackboard for final evaluation by your faculty advisor. The final grade will be posted by the Director of Latin American Studies.