Instructions for the Completion of the LALS Undergraduate Internship:

Instructions for the Completion of the LAS Undergraduate Internship:

Initial Consultation: The semester before enrolling in the internship, preferably during Pre-Registration week, the student should consult with Dr. Manuel Medina, Director of Latin American Studies. He will help select an appropriate venue for the internship, provide application forms and guidelines, and suggest a faculty advisor.

Contact Information: Dr. Manuel Medina, Director of Latin American Studies and Professor of Spanish, Department of Classical and Modern Languages; Stevenson Hall 306 & Bingham Humanities 329B; 852-0501/852-2034.

Registration Procedure: The student should complete the LAS 400 Application Form and return the signed form with all signatures to Dr. Manuel Medina. The student should also provide a copy of the form to the faculty advisor. After securing all signatures, the student may register online for the internship under LAS 400 Latin American Studies Internship.

Proposal: At least one month prior to beginning the internship, the student should contact the organization to arrange a meeting with the site supervisor and prepare a proposal that includes objectives and benefits to the student and the organization. The student should submit a two-page proposal (typed and double-spaced) to Dr. Medina and provide copies to the faculty advisor and site supervisor.

Faculty Advisor: At least one month prior to beginning the internship, the student should meet with the faculty advisor, who will help set up the internship, prepare the proposal, and serve as the liaison with the site organization. The faculty advisor will also evaluate the student’s performance at the end of the internship and assign a grade.

Progress Reports: Once the student has begun the internship, they should keep in touch with the faculty advisor through Blackboard by submitting weekly progress reports. These reports should outline the progress of the internship, including any challenges or issues encountered. If any problems arise, students should immediately inform the faculty advisor through Blackboard so that the advisor can contact the organization’s supervisor to resolve the issues. Students are required to keep a work diary in which they record the date, hours spent at the organization, and the work completed during each visit. This log should be submitted as an attachment on Blackboard every 7 - 10 days.

Final Evaluation: The internship hours should be completed no later than the last day of the semester. During the final week of the internship, the student should prepare a formal five-page typed report (double-spaced) that summarizes the experience. The report should address the objectives outlined in the initial proposal and specify how these were met. Any additional activities beyond what was initially proposed should also be summarized. The report should discuss the particular benefits that the student and the organization gained from the experience. The student should give the site supervisor a copy of this report and a copy of the work diary, and request that the supervisor write a letter of evaluation on company letterhead. This letter should be sent in a sealed and signed envelope to the faculty advisor.

Submission of Final Portfolio: All final materials, including the work diary, the five-page report, the signed Project Evaluation Form, and any other portfolio materials, should be compiled into a single PDF file. This PDF should be submitted on Blackboard. The faculty advisor will review the materials and submit the final grade to the Director of Latin American Studies. The final grade will be posted by the Director of LAS.