


Defining Inclusive Excellence 

Inclusive Excellence is a framework that emphasizes access, student success, and superior learning experiences through the lens of diversity and inclusion. This dynamic approach fosters excellence across learning, teaching, student development, institutional operations, and community engagement, both locally and globally. It advocates for a robust, practical liberal education as the standard for all students. Pursuing inclusive excellence involves identifying disparities in student success, recognizing effective educational strategies, and integrating these practices deeply to facilitate enduring institutional transformation. (Term adapted from American Association of Colleges and Universities AAC&U's and 'Making Excellence Inclusive.' By Damon A. Williams, Joseph B. Berger, and Shederick A. McClendon)

Inclusive excellence embraces all human differences while building on the commonalities that bind us together. It serves to eliminate discrimination, marginalization, and exclusion based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, national origin, military status, diversity of thought and political ideology.

Operational definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion:

*All definitions have been adapted from the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education


People with varied human characteristics, ideas, world views, and backgrounds. Diversity, in concept, expects the creation of a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment that honors and respects those differences. (Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education)



Opportunities for historically underrepresented populations to have equal access to and participate in educational programs. (Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education)



Increasing understanding and empathy of the complex ways we as diverse individuals may interact within systems and institutions. This is achieved in curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographic) with which individuals might connect. (Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education)

 Inclusive Excellence focuses on building community through:

  • Composition of a diverse faculty, staff and student body
  • Curricula and learning experiences that prepare students to live and work in a diverse and global society
  • Climate of inclusiveness with principles of mutual respect, fairness and social justice that is conducive for everyone to develop to his/her fullest potential.
  • Campus life that allows students to develop leadership skills, civic responsibility and social skills while excelling academically, faculty to teach, serve and conduct research that enhances knowledge and improves the quality of life, and staff to work in supportive workplace environments

Consistent with our value for diverse views, perspectives and expressions, we honor, respect, and support the different ways that our different campus community members, offices, units, and programs have amplified, named and called out these important areas and concepts.