Non-Allowable Expenses for Reimbursement
Expenses not allowed for reimbursement; this pertains to all employees, students, suppliers, guests, honorariums, etc.
- Airline club membership fees
- Airline amenities (blankets, pillows, headphones, snacks, advance check-in fees, etc.)
- Annual fees or late charges for personal credit cards
- Barbers, manicurist and shoeshine
- Expenses related to vacation or personal days taken before, during or after a business trip unless they resulted in the reduction of the total cost of the trip
- Golf fees, ski lift tickets, etc.
- Early Bird Check-in fees
- Frequent flyer purchases/upgrades
- Purchases made with personal rewards points (i.e. hotel, airline, credit card rewards)
- Health club facilities
- Laundry and dry cleaning service (unless gone for > 6 days)
- Limousines
- Loss or theft of airline ticket
- Loss or theft of personal funds or property
- In-room video rentals
- Meal per diem and a business meal expense (should be one or the other – not both)
- Mini-bar refreshments
- “No show” charges for hotel or rental car services
- Optional travel (including trip cancellation) or luggage insurance
- Parking tickets
- Personal entertainment (i.e. sporting events, theater, etc.)
- Personal telephone calls except to report changes in schedule or to talk with family members once a day (for a reasonable period of time for a max of $10)
- Personal reading materials (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
- Pet care fees
- Registration fees (requires use of procard, payment request to supplier, or UofL Travel Card; employee reimbursement is not allowed)
- Rental car options such as LDW, PAI, and liability insurance for domestic trips only
- Rental car upgrades above mid-size/intermediate class
- Saunas, massages
- Souvenirs or personal gifts
- Taxis to restaurants for personal meals
- Traffic violations and court costs
- Towing charges
- Expenses more than one fiscal-year old without approval from the appropriate Dean/VP/Chair