Psychiatric Services

Campus Health Services provides confidential psychiatric services at no-charge to any student enrolled at UofL for a variety of mental health issues including:

  • New or existing depression or other mood problems
  • Panic attacks or other forms of anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling totally "stressed out" or overwhelmed
  • Problems with alcohol or drugs

Licensed, board-certified faculty psychiatrists provide complete initial psychiatric evaluations, follow up care (including medication maintenance and psychotherapy), referral to other community or campus resources and referrals for hospitalization, if needed.

Students are seen by appointment only and must be referred by a CHS primary care provider, a Belknap Counseling Center or an HSC Counseling Office counselor, or the Director of the PEACC Center. Students who have an outside psychiatrist and require coordination of their care while enrolled at UofL, should have their outside psychiatrist contact the CHS to speak directly with one of our psychiatrists or psychiatric nurse practitioners.

Offices are located at both the Cardinal Station Health Center as well as the HSC campus downtown.

For appointments: