Raven Neely

Raven NeelySport: Tennis
Major:  Criminal Justice

Aside from a continuing athletic career, what do you want to do/be when you graduate?
When I graduate, I would like to work within the FBI, CIA, or just work hand in hand with any federal agency.

What is it that drew you to your major?
My major is Criminal Justice. I have always been interested in how the law and the criminal mind works. I am a problem solver that asks a lot of questions. I like to think outside the box, know things, and piece information together.

If you were to recommend your major to someone, what would you say about it?
I would say make sure you have a passion for this field and do your research on the type of classes you would be taking. I would also say know what kind of jobs this major could offer for you. If you are satisfied with what you find, then you are on the right path.

What has been your favorite college course that you have taken thus far? Why?
My favorite college course I have taken thus far is "Corrections in the U.S" (CJ 202). This course has taught me about the history and issues related to the correctional function of the American criminal justice system. I learned about the history of prisons and the correctional issues.

What is something you get excited or passionate about?
I get excited about practice and competition, knowing that competition is my time to showcase my talents and the things that I have been working on in practice. I get excited about practice because I get the chance to prepare and get better every day.