Sarah Blalock

Sarah BlalockSport: Lacrosse
Major: Sustainability

Aside from a continuing athletic career, what do you want to do/be when you graduate?

I want to become a Sustainable Design and Development Planner/Specialist. This essentially is an Architect, but I want to focus on creating and building communities/cities that are more practical in the world today. [I want to] focus on how to improve our built environment to save resources and the environment for the future generations.

What is it that drew you to your major?
My love for the outdoors and being in it originally drew me to the major of Sustainability. I want to protect what we have because so much has already been destroyed because of us. If I can do something about the way we are living and know it will help the future generations to come, I'm going to do it. I also love how Sustainability can lead into many jobs, economics, government, policy, and design. It's a major that can be applied to all aspects of how we live.

If you were to recommend your major to someone, what would you say about it?
I would say with a Sustainability degree you can go in many different directions. Sustainability is something most people don't really understand; they assume it's a major just focusing on National Parks or trees. In fact, sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability is broken down to the following categories: environment (conservation, renewable energy, EPA), economy (building development, production of products, marketing, engineering), and social (outreach, poverty, education, social equity, social work). There is a lot you can do if you chose Sustainability as a major.

What has been your favorite college course that you have taken thus far? Why?
My favorite college course I've taken so far would definitely be American Sign Language 101. The language is beautiful and I love learning about the origins of deaf culture. I'm excited to continue learning the language and to go to more deaf events in Louisville.

What is something you get excited or passionate about?
I am really passionate about international service. My dream is to go to Nepal and to do a service program that focuses on sustainable agriculture or sustainable communities.

When you're not practicing/training or studying, what do you like to do?
I really like to relax and watch movies with my roommates. If I'm not watching a movie, I like to listen to music and read poetry. I also play basketball at the Student Rec Center or Little Yum.

What's your favorite thing about Louisville? Favorite thing about UofL? Why?
I love the huge community of Louisville, how everyone comes together and is so involved in the University. I also love how diverse the city of Louisville and the University of Louisville both are. Lastly, I love all the great resources at UofL - the vast number of majors it offers and the state of the art facilities, i.e. the new athletic buildings, The Speed Art Museum/Cinema, and the brand new Belknap Academic Building.

What's your favorite spot on campus?
I would have to say the newly renovated Student Activities Center is my favorite place on campus. It has amazing food options and a really good study hall area.

What is one thing your classmates and teammates might not know about you?
I really love photography.