Theatre Arts Alumni Perform in Kentucky Shakespeare Festival

Theatre Arts Alumni Perform in Kentucky Shakespeare Festival

Nick Willis as Romeo, and BeeBee Patillo as Juliet

June 21, 2024
By: Julie Wrinn, Chief of Staff

One of the crown jewels of Louisville's cultural scene is the free Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park, which every summer produces three works from the bard's oeuvre. Up first this summer is Romeo and Juliet, starring two alumni from the A&S Department of Theatre Arts in the title roles: Nick Willis as Romeo, and BeeBee Patillo as Juliet. Initial performances of Romeo and Juliet took place earlier this month and resume July 17, 20, 23, 26. The festival also includes A Comedy of Errors and The Tempest, and many others with ties to the Department of Theatre Arts featured. Alumni Tajleed Hardy, Ebony Jordan, and Kyle Ware appear in various acting roles, as well as current MFA acting candidate Krystal Waller. Jennifer Pennington, Professor of Acting, appears as Propera in The Tempest. Ian Fitzgerald, a rising senior, is Assistant Stage Manager, and senior Mavrick Cook is Carpenter. Last but not least, Department Coordinator Stephan Carpentar is Sound Engineer for the festival. Come out to Central Park to enjoy these timeless plays and enjoy the many talents from the College of Arts & Sciences! For more information, visit Kentucky Photo credit: Kentucky Shakespeare, photos by Zachary Burrell Photography