In Memorium: Prof. Laurie Rhodebeck

Prof. Laurie Rhodebeck (Political Science) passed away on September 13. Prof. Rhodebeck will be greatly missed by all of us in the College of Arts & Sciences.


In Memorium: Prof. Laurie Rhodebeck

Prof. Laurie Rhodebeck (Political Science) passed away on September 13. Prof. Rhodebeck will be greatly missed by all of us in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Prof. Rhodebeck joined the UofL faculty in 1998, following teaching positions at Oberlin, SUNY-Buffalo, and Notre Dame. She taught courses in media in American politics, political parties and elections, and research methods. She supervised several successful independent studies and internships in the Department of Political Science. She also served twice as acting chairperson, 12 years as director of graduate studies, and on many committees throughout the college and university.

Dr. Rhodebeck's service to the profession included a term as President of the Midwest Women's Caucus and on the editorial board of Southern Communication Journal. Her research appeared in Political Research Quarterly, Political Behavior, Gender & Society, the Journal of Politics, and Public Opinion Quarterly. Dr. Rhodebeck also contributed to features for the college, including sharing her perspective on the importance of an education in the liberal arts and sciences.