Monday Memo, October 31, 2022

A Newsletter for Faculty and Staff of the College of Arts & Sciences

October 31, 2022

Dear A&S Faculty and Staff,

A huge congratulations to everyone in the A&S Advising Centerprofessional advisors, peer advisor ambassadors, and C.O.N.E.C.T. peer mentors, led by Assistant Dean Danielle Dolan. Recently their efforts were recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) in an Honorary Resolution highlighting their impact on students. SGA's eloquence is worth quoting at length:  

WHEREAS, the College of Arts & Sciences is widely recognized as the largest academic unit at the University of Louisville and houses nearly 6,849 undergraduate and graduate students as of the start of 2022 fall semester.

WHEREAS, the College of Arts & Sciences Advising unit is a tool provided to all students within the school to succeed at the University of Louisville.

WHEREAS, the College of Arts & Sciences Advising unit contains professional advisors, peer advisors, C.O.N.E.C.T peer mentors, and work-study students who are dedicated to helping students succeed academically.

WHEREAS, the hard work of these collective advising units and individuals have gone unnoticed for quite some time, the Student Senate hereby recognize their impact on the student body.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Student Senate of the SGA, individually and collectively, honor the College of Arts & Sciences Advising program for their dedication and continuous efforts and commitment to aid students succeed at the University of Louisville.

See below for a personal thank you note from SGA to the Advising Center. To celebrate this honor, Dean Owen is hosting a reception for Advising staff on November 29, details tba. Now more than ever, in this "Year of Retention," as President Gonzalez termed it, the A&S Advising Center is critical to our mission, and we thank them for making such a difference in our students' lives and academic careers.


Julie Wrinn, Chief of Staff


Upcoming Events


Many excellent events are taking place on campus in November: read on and mark your calendars!

The Latin American and Latino Studies Program enthusiastically invites you to the following events that they have organized, in tandem with other departments and programs, to join the University’s efforts to celebrate Latinx and Hispanic cultures. All events are free and open to the public.

  • 29th ‘Reel’ Latin America Film Festival. In person:  Oct 6 to Nov 1 (with limited virtual screenings after the live festival ends). Organized by the Department of Classical and Modern Languages with the support of the Modern Languages Fund, LALS program. Hispanic, Latinx  Indigenous Initiatives,  Al Dïa en América,  the Student Activity Board and Pragda Spanish Film Club. 
  • Day of the Dead celebrations: 1) Ekstrom Library (basement) Oct 31 – Nov 3. Altars erected by UofL Students and friends of the Department and LALS program. 2) 4th Streel Live Day of Dead. Nov 2, 2022.  5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Organized by Organized by the City of Louisville Office of Globalization, the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, LALS program. Hispanic, Latinx  Indigenous Initiatives,  Al Dïa en América,  schools from JCPS.

The Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society is hosting a panel discussion, "Women, Life, Freedom," on recent events in Iran and the role of women, specifically the widespread protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the country’s morality police. Panelists will discuss what the protests say about public outcries against the repression of women, and whether the current protests will lead to significant changes in Iranian society. Thursday, November 3, 12 noon-1 pm, BAB 218. Open to all, with free pizza served. See flyer below.

The 16th Annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Imani Perry, the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and a faculty associate with the Programs in Law and Public Affairs, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Jazz Studies. Dr. Perry's lecture will be based upon her most recent book, South to America: A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation. Learn more about Professor Perry and read her latest articles here. Please register for the lecture here: Nov. 3, 6 pm, Strickler 101/Middleton Theatre. See flyer below.

The Axton Reading Series presents Meghan Mayhew Bergman, whose latest work is the 2022 story collection, How Strange a Season. In a starred review, Kirkus said, “Bergman’s stories are so emotionally rich that they serve as portals into distinct interior worlds...this collection is distinct and vivid...As singular as it is atmospheric." Reading on Thursday, November 3, 7:30-9 pm, Ekstrom Library, University Writing Center. Master class on Friday, November 4, 10 am - noon in Bingham Humanities 300. See flyer below.

The AAPI Faculty and Staff Association along with APSU is hosting the first ever AAPI Fall Expo featuring Asian food, performances, and community organizations at the Red Barn on Nov. 4 (from 12-4pm). Please register at the Eventbrite linkSee flyer below.

Next in the Department of Geographic and Environmental Sciences' Fall speaker series is  Megan Poole, UofL English, “Classroom + Community: University of Louisville Students Serve as 'Air Justice' Change Agents.” Tuesday, November 8, BAB 130.

The DECC Office invites you to attend the President's Inclusive Excellence Forum (see 2nd flyer below) featuring a keynote address from educator, author, and advocate Dr. Freeman Hrabowski. Wed., Nov. 9, 1:30 - 3 pm, PNC Suite, Cardinal Stadium. See flyer below.

All faculty, staff, and students are invited to the workshop "Writing for Public Audiences" with Bonnie Jean Feldkamp, opinion editor at the Courier-Journal. Learn how to be featured in our local, public-facing print forum. Friday, November 11, 12 noon, Bingham Humanities 205. Questions: See flyer below.

The University Writing Center is hosting a workshop for A&S instructors teaching writing intensive courses on Monday, November 14 at 4:00 pm in Ekstrom Library 132. This session is designed to offer strategies to plan a semester that fosters students’ growth as writers within their discipline. Included in the session will be time to discuss how the Writing Center can support you and your students throughout the course. Instructors will leave with recommendations for resources adaptable to their classes. Those interested are asked to RSVP to help us plan.

The University of Louisville’s Center for Geographic Information Sciences invites you to join us for our annual GIS Day celebration on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, on UofL's Belknap Campus in the Swain Student Activities Center Ballrooms. With our theme of "Inspiring Spatial Citizens," we are excited to feature speakers from across sectors working to leverage GIS for the growth and betterment of our communities! Details on our full program are below, as well as on our website event pageSee flyer below. 

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