Monday Memo May 11, 2015
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Title IX Notification to be added to syllabi beginning July 1
The following statement should be added, as stated with NO changes, to all course syllabi, beginning July 1, 2015:
Title IX/Clery Act Notification
Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual/dating/domestic violence) and sex discrimination are violations of University policies. Anyone experiencing sexual misconduct and/or sex discrimination has the right to obtain confidential support from the PEACC Program 852-2663, Counseling Center 852-6585 and Campus Health Services 852-6479.
Reporting your experience or incident to any other University employee (including, but not limited to, professors and instructors) is an official, non-confidential report to the University. To file an official report, please contact the Dean of Student’s Office 852-5787 and/or the University of Louisville Police Department 852-6111. For more information regarding your rights as a victim of sexual misconduct, see the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide.
If there are any questions regarding course syllabi and Title IX/Clery Act Notification, please contact your dean. Other questions regarding Title IX/Clery Act may be referred to Michael Mardis at
A&S Event Calendar for 2015-16
The A&S Dean’s Office is compiling a comprehensive A&S event calendar for 2015-16 that will allow us to better coordinate and cross-promote events in the College and beyond. Please submit your events (including Welcome Week events – we will forward them on!) to the University calendar system Localist by June 1. If you are not comfortable using Localist yet, please submit them using our A&S event page form. Do NOT worry if the details of your event
Teaching, Research, Service and Creative Activities
Prof. Jones publishes SUNY Press’ first second edition in 40 years
The second edition of Prof. and Department of Pan-African Studies Chair Ricky Jones’ book “Black Haze” will be published in June 2015 by State University of New York Press. His book is the first second edition this press has done in its African American Studies Series in almost 40 years.
Kudos & Congratulations
Luke Buckman wins advising award
Luke Buckman, Assistant Director for Student Programming and Development in the University Honors Program, was recognized by the National Collegiate Honors Council with a 2015 Award for Administrative Excellence.
A&S National Scholars announced
Some of the most prominent national awards in academia in 2015 will go to 16 University of Louisville students and alumni. Of those 16 award winners, 14 are future graduates and alumni from the College of Arts & Sciences – including six Fulbrights, two Critical Language Scholars, one Truman Scholar and one English-Speaking Union Scholar. To see a list of award winners and learn more about them, visit UofL National Scholars.
Prof. Nuessel named full member of ANLE
Prof. Frank Nuessel was named a full member of the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE). The honor is given to individuals based on outstanding research and publications in the field of Spanish language, linguistics and/or literature.
Criminal Justice Grad Program ranks number one
The College of Arts and Sciences’ criminal justice graduate program ranked number one in the country in the Spring 2015 Criminal Justice Grad Rankings, which are based on ratings and reviews from current or recent graduate students, according to
In the News
Turning Presidents Into Pharaohs(5/1/2015, Politico Magazine) – Prof. Benjamin Hufbauer on presidential libraries and their impact on history.
Federal bourbon bill proposed (Bowling Green Daily News, 5/6/2015) – On an Urban Studies Institute study regarding the economic impact of the bourbon industry in Kentucky.
Obama's Library: Experts Debate How Much Economic Boost Chicago Can Expect (NBC Chicago, 5/7/2015) – Prof. Benjamin Hufbauer on theeconomic impact of presidential libraries.
Kentucky's auto industry wants to tell you how relevant it is(Business First, 5/8/2015) – On an Urban Studies Institute study regarding the economic impact of the Kentucky automotive industry.
ReSurfaced to reopen with bourbon theme(The Courier-Journal, 5/9/2015) – ReSurfaced, a pop-up plaza featuring music, arts and cultural activities, and food and drinks, will reopen in June with a bourbon and local food theme.