Monday Memo September 14, 2015
Message from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
L’Shana Tova and welcome to a week of university celebrations!
This afternoon, there is a reception for all new full time faculty, and the opportunity to meet the President, Provost, and Executive Cabinet. I look forward to introducing our new colleagues to the campus leaders.
Tomorrow, the campus celebrates Faculty Excellence, and Arts & Sciences faculty once again are counted among the award recipients.
Wednesday, at 10 a.m. in Freedom Park, President Ramsey will dedicate the park in honor of Dr. Charles H. Parrish, Jr., a prominent sociologist and the first tenured African-American faculty member at UofL. In addition, he will unveil the new glass panel honoring the late dean of Arts & Sciences, Dr. J. Blaine Hudson. Dr. Hudson was a beloved colleague to many in the College, and a long-time civil rights activist at UofL and in the community. Ironically, it was his efforts that ensured that Freedom Park would become a reality. I am certain we will have a big showing of Arts & Sciences faculty and staff to honor both of these Arts & Sciences giants!
At 2 p.m. the same day, the faculty will gather by the University Club in preparation for the President’s annual State of the University address in Comstock Hall. It should be great weather for a beautiful procession in our academic apparel, and it would be beneficial if we have a strong showing from Arts & Sciences. The reception afterward will be a nice occasion to mingle with colleagues both inside and outside of the College.
Thursday is the special Grawemeyer Spirit Award given to Muhammad Ali as part of the 30th anniversary of the prestigious Grawemeyer Awards program. If you don’t have tickets to attend the ceremony at the Louisville Palace, Muhammad Ali also will be recognized during half-time of the Clemson game that evening.
Lastly, I hope to see you Friday at 2 p.m. in Strickler 102 for the State of the College address to the A&S Faculty. This year all staff are invited too; so please lock the offices, leave a note for any visitors, and join us. After spending a year getting to know the College and the University, I feel ready to share what I think is our mutual vision and some of what we’ll need to do together if we are to see that vision become reality. A reception will immediately follow the Address.
Saturday is ACCOLAID, the campus recruitment event targeting high achieving high school students. It is important that degree programs in the Arts & Sciences are well represented to these students. Sincerely,
Kimberly Kempf-Leonard
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Research! Louisville: Call for abstracts
Faculty, post-docs, research associates, residents, clinical fellows, research staff, PharmDs, graduate and professional students are invited to submit an abstract on their life science research for a poster presentation at Research! Louisville. Abstract submissions are due by Sept. 30. Submit an abstract online.
Drawing for Dean Leonard’s football tickets
Dean Leonard would like to share her football tickets for Sat., Sept. 26th against Samford. If you would like to win two tickets, please send an email to: by 9 a.m. Fri., Sept. 25. The drawing will occur 10 a.m. Fri., Sept. 25, and the winners will be notified via email. Thanks and good luck!
Moratorium on new courses
The General Education Curriculum Committee has voted unanimously to put a moratorium on consideration of new courses until such time as the new Gen’ Ed. Program and processes are approved. As soon as the new program and processes are approved – the goal is to implement the new program for the entering class of 2017 – new courses will be welcome.
Summer 2015 Course Evaluation Reports available
Course evaluation reports were released. If there is a problem with your report or for more information, please email Julia Dietrich.
Post Syllabi in Blackboard
Please review the Blackboard Posting tip sheet for help posting your syllabi to Blackboard.
State of the College Sept. 18
The annual State of the College presentation will be held Sept.18th at 2 p.m. in Strickler 102, with a reception immediately following in the lobby. All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend. For more information, contact
Research Instruction at Ekstrom Library
Do your students struggle to find credible, peer-reviewed articles? Do they rely solely on basic Google searches for sources? Consider bringing your class to the library for research instruction. We will work with you to develop an instruction session tailored to your assignment. For more information, go online or contact Rob Detmering at 852-8738.
Teaching, Research, Creative Activities & Service
Prof. Salamensky lecturing in Denmark
Prof. Shelley Salamensky (Humanities) will be giving Fulbright Specialist lectures in Global and Ethnic Studies, and working with faculty and students, for two weeks this fall at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Prof. Brueggeman elected president of Society for Disability Studies
Prof. Brenda Brueggemann (English) became the President and Chair of the Board of Directors for the Society for Disability Studies.
Louisville Digital Composition Colloquium (DCC) combines the digital world and the printed word
Writing instructors at UofL designed 1-minute “Concept in 60” videos during the first-ever Louisville Digital Composition Colloquium (DCC). With the support of Prof. Brenda Brueggemann (English), the DCC leadership team includes PhD students Drew Holladay, Travis Rountree, and Elizabeth Chamberlain. The team wrote course syllabi and assignments, facilitated discussions and digital workshops, and created a website to deliver teaching materials to instructors.
Prof. Beyin publishes research on human origins
Prof. Amanuel Beyin (Anthropology) published, “Human Origins, Dispersal and Associated Environments: An African Perspective,” in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
Prof. Elpidorou co-edits philosophy text
Prof. Andreas Elpidorou (Philosophy) published of a co-edited volume entitled "Philosophy of Mind and Phenomenology: Conceptual and Empirical Approaches."
Prof. Ehrick publishes broadcasting history text
Professor Christine Ehrick (History) published “Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930-1950” (Cambridge).
Prof. Horner publishes work on language and learning
Prof. Bruce Horner's (English) “Translinguality, Transmodality, and Difference: Exploring Dispositions and Change in Language and Learning,” a digital monograph he co-authored, appeared as the inaugural publication of Enculturation's Intermezzo series.
Kudos and Congratulations
Psych doctoral students receive award, chair conference
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student Nick Affrunti was awarded the program’s Most Outstanding Researcher Award. Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student Ryan DeLapp served as Assistant Program Chair for the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (ABCT) national conference.
Items of Note
Nominations open for Nichols, Tachau awards
Nominations are being accepted through Oct. 9 for the Nichols Professional Development Award for graduate and professional school students, and for the Tachau Gender Equity Award. The Tachau Gender Equity Award (presented by the Commission on the Status of Women) is given to a member of the UofL community whose work promotes women’s equality and gender equity.
Theatre Arts announces 2015-2016 season
UofL's Theatre Arts Department has announced its 2015-16 season, which offers performances from August Wilson’s iconic “The Piano Lesson” to Harold Pinter’s provoking “Betrayal,” along with two never-performed-before pieces by UofL faculty. For more information, visit UofL Theatre Arts.
Axton Series begins Sept. 17
The Anne and William Axton Reading Series, sponsored by the English Department’s creative writing program, will feature the first reading and master class this month. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, visit Axton Series.
Yearlings Club series begins Sept. 24
The University of Louisville-Yearlings Club series launches its fall discussion series. The events usually run from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. monthly on Sundays from September through April, although the opening event will be 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24. For more information, visit the Yearlings Club Fall Schedule.
In the News
The Reason Smart People Sometimes Struggle with “Aha” Moments (Harvard Business Review, 8/26/2015) – Prof. Marci DeCaro’s (Psychological & Brain Sciences) research on working memory.
Improving Health for African Americans Means Reducing Violence (WFPL) – Prof. Monnica Williams (Psychological & Brain Sciences) on the ways violence affects mental health.
The collateral damage of sex offender laws (The Washington Post, 8/28/2015) – Prof. Richard Tewksbury’s (Criminal Justice) research related to sex offender registration and notification policies. U of L Freedom Park to bear Parrish's name (The Courier-Journal, 9/2/2015) – Freedom Park, on Cardinal Blvd. between Second and Third St, will be named Charles H. Parrish Jr. Freedom Park, in honor of former Prof. Charles Parrish, UofL’s first African-American faculty member. Police course at U of L training nation's future law enforcement leaders (WDRB, 9/2/2015) – On the Southern Police Institute in the College of Arts & Sciences. JCPS battling inequity 40 years after busing (The Courier-Journal, 9/4/2015) – Prof. Tracy K’Meyer (History) on desegregation in Louisville’s public school system. Motorcycle legend’s son rebuilds iconic bike (The Courier-Journal, 9/10/2015) – Prof. Matthew Biberman (English) on his book, “Big Sid’s Vincati,” and his relationship with his father. |
New life being given to Louisville's Civil Rights Trail (The Courier-Journal, 9/13/2015) – On Louisville’s Civil Rights Trail, a passion project of late A&S Dean J. Blaine Hudson.
Did You Know?
In the past five years, Clinical Psychology doctoral program students have published 145 papers, including publications in flagships journals in their research areas such as the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Behaviour Research and Therapy, The Clinical Gerontologist, Biological Psychology, Annals of Geriatric Psychiatry, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, and Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.