Monday Memo June 8, 2015
Kudos & Congratulations
Quick Recall coaches earn ‘Coach of the Year’ awards
Matt Church, A&S Advising & Student Services Coordinator, was named the Coach of the Year for all leagues of Quick Recall in Division I. Eddie Bobbitt, A&S Advising & Student Services Academic Counselor, Sr., was named Coach of the Year for all leagues of Quick Recall in Division II.
Items of Note
Prof. Rosen to discuss rising rates of ADHD
Prof. Paul Rosen (Psychology) will address the rising rates of ADHD in the next “Beer with a Scientist” program: “Paying attention to increased ADHD rates: Increased prevalence, over diagnosis, or a better understanding?” The program begins at 8 p.m. on Wed., June 10 at Against the Grain Brewery, 401 E. Main St.
In the News
Lost Island of the Maya (Archaeology, July/August 2015) – On the contributions of John Hale, director of the Liberal Studies Program, to the research of a Mayan pilgrimage site at the bottom of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
ART: ‘Beauty of a Block': Women printmakers at Hite(LEO Weekly, 6/3/2015) – On an art exhibition, “Beauty of a Block,” curated by students Megan Bogard-Gettelfinger, Whitney Mashburn, Jessica Oberdick, Elizabeth Smith, and Leanna Smith in the Critical and Curatorial Practice Seminar.
Beshear in Louisville to tout new study on auto industry's fiscal and economic impact (Slideshow)(Louisville Business First, 6/3/2015) and Study: Auto industry drives $14 billion into Kentucky economy (WDRB-41, 6/3/2015) – On the Urban Studies Institute’s six-month study of Kentucky’s automotive industry.
The Failure of Sex Offender Policy (Huffington Post, 6/3/2015) – On Prof. Richard Tewksbury (Criminal Justice) and his research on sex offender residence restrictions.
Resurfaced returns Thursday with bourbon theme(The Courier-Journal, 6/3/2015) – On Patrick Piuma, Urban Design Studio director, and the ReSurfaced project’s new bourbon theme.
A Q&A with glass artist and academic Che Rhodes(LEO Weekly, 6/4/2015) – On Prof. Che Rhodes (Fine Arts) and the glass program in the Fine Arts Department of the College of Arts & Sciences.
Damaged civil rights historical marker rescued(The Courier-Journal, 6/4/2014) – On a civil rights marker, part of a project spearheaded by former A&S Dean J. Blaine Hudson, that was damaged during sidewalk construction.
White House: Medicaid expansion would save billions, 5,200 lives (USA Today, 6/4/2015) – On the Urban Studies Institute’s study onto the effects of Medicaid expansion in Kentucky.
Ky. Senators and the USA Patriot Act (WAVE-3, 6/1/2015) – On the USA Patriot Act and the rift between Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) regarding its renewal, featuring Prof. Dewey Clayton (Political Science).
Did You Know
Evelyn J. Schneider was the College of Arts and Sciences’ librarian from 1919-27 and university librarian from 1927 until her retirement in 1965.
(Schneider, second from left, was also president of the Kentucky Ornithological Association)
Schneider Hall, which housed the university libraries until 1981 and now houses the Department of Fine Arts, was named in her honor in 1978.