Monday Memo August 31, 2015

Message from the Dean


Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to a tremendous effort from all of you, the new academic year is off to a great start.

In addition to all the great teaching and research already underway, many in A&S play key roles in a wide variety of open-to-the-public educational and cultural opportunities. These programs and events are just some of the unsung ways in which we contribute to the betterment of our various communities. (Two or our cross-discipline efforts for public programming include the Meet the Professor Lunch and Learn Series and the A&S All Star Pre-Game Educational Series. Take an opportunity to review these series and share with friends!)

To get a sense of all that the College has planned for the coming months, please go to the A&S calendar at If you have not already done so, spread the word about the events in which you are involved. Equally as important, be sure to support the efforts of your colleagues from across the College by helping promote them and by attending them yourselves.

If not before, I look forward to seeing you at the State of the College address on September 18th at 2 p.m. in Strickler Hall 102.


Kimberly Kempf-Leonard
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences


The Dean’s Office Communication team has created a promotional flyer request form. If you have an event that you wish to promote via a flyer, feel free to submit a request here. Please give us 7-10 business days to fulfill the request.

Have questions about how to plan or promote an event? Need help navigating the University calendaring software Localist or the new A&S event management software Have a question but have no idea who to contact? Please see (and bookmark!) the updated A&S Advancement Resources page. Additionally, we would appreciate your feedback regarding the page.

Research and Creative Activity

The NSF has responded via a Federal Register notice to community comments regarding revisions to the NSF Proposal Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG). The changes are summarized in the Announcements section of the Research blog.

Research!Louisville: Call for abstracts - Faculty, post-docs, research associates, research staff, and graduate students are invited to submit abstracts on their life science research for a poster presentation at Research!Louisville (Oct. 27-30, Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building, HSC). Abstract submissions are due by Sept. 30. Submit an abstract online. Additional Information: Anne Noe, 852-2553.


Please encourage students to attend the Study Abroad Fair on Wed, 9/2 from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm at the Red Barn to learn about what countries they can go to, available scholarships, and how classes abroad will count toward their degree. Free lunch! For info, contact Kimber Guinn via email or 502-852-0374

Do your students struggle to find credible, peer-reviewed articles? Do they rely solely on basic Google searches for sources? Consider bringing your class to the library for research instruction. They will work with you to develop an instruction session tailored to your assignment. Contact: Rob Detmering or 852-8738. For more information and to request a class

Course evaluation reports from summer are scheduled to be released this week. Cross-listed courses may take a little longer than the others. If there is a problem with your report, please email Julia Dietrich. Do NOT hit reply on the message that tells you your report is available; it comes under Julia's name but is really sent from an exchange service account, and replies do not make it to Prof. Dietrich.

Kudos and Congratulations

Prof. Julie Peteet (Anthropology) published “Camps and Enclaves: Palestine in the Time of Closure” in the Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford Press)

Prof. Deborah Lutz (English) gave a talk at The Mount, the Edith Wharton Museum, on Brontë relics, on August 10.

Prof. Lee Dugatkin (Biology) just returned from Moscow State University, where he gave a talk at an international symposium in honor of Peter Kropotkin entitled "Peter Kropotkin's Law of Mutual Aid."

An installation by Prof. Mary Carothers (Fine Arts) is one of five works chosen to be a part of Connect/Disconnect, the inaugural project from Louisville’s Commission on Public Art. Read more

In the News

'The Bronte Cabinet' explores the true lives of the famous literary sisters" (Minnesota Public Radio, 8/15/2015 – Prof. Deborah Lutz (English) interviewed about Brontë artifacts

Republican voters to participate in presidential caucus (, 8/25/2015) – Prof. Dewey Clayton (Political Science) on Kentucky’s presidential caucus

Scientists study Skydiving spiders in South America (Smithsonian Science News, 8/26/2015) – Prof. Steve Yanoviak and co-researcher from UC-Berkeley, Prof. Robert Dudley, studying gliding insects in rain forest

Story on the Malaysian street protests calling on the Malaysian prime minister to resign (BBC World Service, 8/30/2015) – Interview with Prof. Jason Abbott (Center for Asian Democracy). Download and listen to interview

Did You Know

Faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences average more than 600 scholarly publications every year.

Meet the Professor

Christopher Fulton,  Medici Family Aficionado

With a background in Renaissance art, he recently began investigating Mexican art and co-curated an exhibition of works by David Alfaro Siqueiros. He is currently preparing books on Siqueiros's creative practice and on Milton Rogovin's photographs of working people.

In this Q&A, Prof. Fulton lets us in on the inspiration a good mentor can provide and why you, too, should try to finish that Nabokov.

See Prof. Fulton in action “The Medici Moment: How a family of bankers rose to power and made the Renaissance" on Thursday, 9/3 at the University Club