Monday Memo August 17, 2015
New graduate student reception Aug. 20
Please come meet the College’s new graduate students at the A&S Graduate Student Welcome Reception on Thurs., Aug. 20, from 4-5:30 p.m., in Lutz Hall. Refreshments will be served. Confirm your attendance by Mon., Aug. 17.n
Funding opportunities available for product development and research commercialization
Funded by NIH, the new UofL ExCITE hub offers proof-of-concept grants for all types of health-related ideas. Grants are for a maximum of $200,000 per project and they expect to fund five to ten projects per year. All UofL faculty, staff, trainees and students are eligible to apply. A 2-page pre-application is required by Aug. 31. Information is available at For information, email Sarah Andres.
Ky. Water Research Inst. Research funding available
The Kentucky Water Research Institute has announced a RFP to fund five to ten student research enhancement grants ($5,000 each) in the area of water resources. They also plan to fund one to two projects ($10,000 each) directly collaborating with investigators at USGS KY Water Science Center. Due Sept. 30. Contact Associate Dean Robert Buchanan if interested.
Fulbright workshops begin Aug. 28
The A&S Honors program will host a series of workshops and interviews to prepare students to submit applications for Fulbright Research/Study Grants and English Teaching Assistantships (ETAs). Please inform graduating seniors, graduate students, professional students, recent graduates and alumni (up to 5 years out). For more info, view the Fulbright Workshop Schedule or contact Heather Turner.
Teaching, Research, Creative Activities & Service
Prof. Fosl receives grant for LGBTQ project
Prof. Cate Fosl (Women’s & Gender Studies) received a $24,000 grant from the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Fairness Campaign to head an Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research team in documenting LGBTQ-historic places in Louisville and across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This project was made possible through a National Parks Service initiative to designate "LGBT heritage states," and Kentucky is one of the first two to receive that designation.
Prof. Chan’s work featured at Jewish Community Center
The Jewish Community Center’s Patio Gallery presents, “10,000 Thoughts” by Prof. Ying Kit Chan (Fine Arts) Aug. 30-Oct. 7. An opening reception will be held August 30 from 2-4 p.m., and Prof. Chan will give a gallery talk at 3 p.m. For more information, visit the JCC website.
Chinese students graduate from Humanities PhD program
Sixteen Chinese students visited Beijing in July for their graduation from the China cohort in Humanities Ph.D. Profs. Emerita Annette Allen and Osbourne Wiggins, and Profs. Robert St. Clair, Pam Beattie and Elaine Wise traveled to Beijing Foreign Studies University to teach courses for the program.
Kudos and Congratulations
Prof. Liu awarded NSF Career Award
Prof. Jinjun Liu (Chemistry) was awarded an NSF Career Award, which supports junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education, and the integration of education and research within the mission of their organizations.
Matt Church elected president of Ky. Quick Recall League
Matt Church, A&S Advising Coordinator and UofL Quiz Bowl coach, was unanimously re-elected as president of the Kentucky Collegiate Quick Recall League for the 2015-2016 season. The league consists of collegiate teams from Kentucky and Southern Ohio. UofL has won 6 straight KCQRL Division II titles and 5 Straight Division I titles.
Items of Note
Justice Administration becomes Dept. of Criminal Justice
The Department of Justice Administration will now officially be called the Department of Criminal Justice. The new department name more accurately reflects the academic programs and aligns UofL with our peers.
Fall 2015 A&S Research Newsletter
The Arts and Sciences Research Newsletter is a one-page guide containing items of interest to researchers and staff. The newsletter includes information about compliance, Facilities & Administrative (F&A) rates and facts often required on proposals. Read the fall 2015 newsletter.
Study Abroad Fair Sept. 2
The fall 2015 Study Abroad Fair will be held on Wed., Sept. 2, from 10:30 - 2:30, in the Red Barn. Please spread the word to students! There is limited space remaining for half tables to promote your international program. If you would like to obtain one of these spaces, please email Melissa Lee.
New programs enhance campus safety
UofL is implementing several new programs to enhance campus safety this fall. Two new initiatives include the L Trail, a brightly lit, patrolled path that runs from the center of Belknap Campus to the Swain Student Activities Center and to the Ville Grill/Cardinal Towne area northwest of campus, and a public safety Android and iOS app, CardGuard. These new programs and many of the university’s existing safety efforts have been merged into one comprehensive program, CardSafe.
Cards All In campaign kick-off
Cards All In will kick-off the 2015-2016 campaign this week. They have teamed with the University Club and will be onsite promoting Cards All In while you enjoy non-membership dining. For more information, visit
UofL honors veterans on anniversary of WWII’s ending
Several units at the University of Louisville will join together with groups from throughout Louisville and the United States to commemorate the end of World War II. “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive! 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII” will be held Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 15 and 16. For information on Saturday’s events, contact the local Spirit of ’45 office, 502-387-4412.
In the News
Sadiqa Reynolds to become Urban League president (Insider Louisville, 8/11/2015) – UofL alumna Sadiqa Reynolds (Psychology) first female president of the Louisville Urban League.
From Trump's comb-over to the Bieber pompadour, the psychology of men's hairstyles (, 8/11/2015) – Prof. Michael Cunningham (Communication) on what men’s hairstyles say about their personalities.
First Impressions #44: Ranen Omer-Sherman (LA Review of Books, 8/11/2015) – Prof. Ranen Omer-Sherman interviewed about his new book, Imagining the Kibbutz: Visions of Utopia in Literature and Film.
Did You Know?
As the heart of UofL community, the College of Arts & Sciences provides more than 90% of the courses students need for their General Education requirements. More than 50% of all UofL courses are taught by A&S faculty.