Monday Memo February 11, 2019
Dean's Message
Dear Colleagues,
As the university embarks on strategic planning, one initiative is certain to be the assessment of our academic programs for how well we address student interests and societal needs. Our goal, as it always has been of universities, is to create an engaged citizenry through education. In Arts & Sciences we understand that success means becoming creative problem-solvers with good oral and written communication skills, having the ability to work both independently and collaboratively, and knowing how to pivot and adapt when new challenges arise. We also appreciate that the technical and applied knowledge taught in our academic disciplines helps to prepare students for a host of professional careers. Our top achievements of Fulbright finalists for yet another year (announced today!) is just one indication of our academic prowess.
In recent years, the value of our academic programs has been questioned by a growing number of people who view the university mission narrowly in terms of immediate job attainment. So, as we assess the A&S academic programs, let us be mindful both of our goals and the ways in which our programs can and do meet the interests of those who are skeptics.
The mayor has challenged us to help fill many open jobs in data analytics, health care, logistics, and industry. I am convinced that many of our graduates have the skills needed in our region, but the messaging is not clear outside of our institution. We need our transcripts to convey the full value of our curriculum. Let’s look at our course and program titles, consider some interdisciplinary re-packing, and new collaborations with other colleges too. These efforts are not only necessary but have the potential to re-energize us as educators.
Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Ph.D.
Time-Sensitive Announcements
OPA Selection Committee needs members
We are in need of dedicated staff to serve on the selection committee for the A&S Outstanding Performance Awards for staff. If you are interested in serving, please email Lindsey Ronay by 2/18 .
University Press of Kentucky representatives will be visiting
Representatives from the University Press of Kentucky will be visiting on Friday, March 1. An acquisitions editor would be available to meet with interested faculty about potential book projects. For more information, please email David Anderson, the university's UPK representative.
Faculty research and creative activity funding opportunities
- A&S is soliciting applications for the Victor Olorunsola Endowed Research Award. One award of $2,000 will be made this year. Funds may be used for research assistance, supplies, or as seed money for travel or equipment support. Travel support must be directly connected to the research project. This award is supplemental to normal college funds or funds received from the College Research Committee for such purposes. More about the Olorunsola award.
- A&S announces funding opportunities to promote research and creative activities of faculty members with the purpose of increasing the extramural research funding, and the number of scholarly publications, refereed exhibits, and artistic performances of the college. Any tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences is eligible, excluding the A&S Associate Dean of Research. The initiative will support proposals that contain any one of the following elements: (i) novel/ground-breaking ideas, (ii) exploratory research in an emerging field or extending the frontiers of an established field, or (iii) inter-disciplinary/collaborative research. The maximum amount for an individual grant is $2,000. For inter-disciplinary/collaborative research projects involving more than one A&S investigator, the maximum award amount is $3,000. More about RCA awards.
Applications due March 22.
Great Place to Learn
UofL students named as Fulbright semi-finalists
This year 21 UofL students have been named semi-finalists for the U.S. Student Fulbright award! Of these, 19 applicants have a major in the College of Arts & Sciences. These candidates have been recommended by the National Screening Committee and will begin receiving final results from the countries to which they applied beginning in March. We wish our semi-finalists the best as they advance to the next round of competition!
Theatre Arts students compete at the national level
Theatre Arts students Kala Ross and Lashondra Hood won first place in the regional finals in South Carolina for Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. They will go on to compete in April at the National Finals at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Their expenses will be paid for by Kennedy Center. Competing at this level will give Ross and Hood exposure to scholarship opportunities as well as theatre industry professionals. More info on the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival.
UofL Cancer Education Program applications due Feb. 15
The UofL Cancer Education Program recruits, educates, and motivates outstanding undergraduate and professional students to pursue further training and careers in cancer research. The 2019 program is scheduled for May 28 through Aug. 2 for undergraduate students. Students should apply via an online application form due Feb. 15. Subsistence allowance is $4,000 for undergraduate students. For further information and the online application form
Malcolm X Debate Team had an impressive weekend
The University of Louisville Malcolm X debate team had another successful showing this past weekend at Northwestern University. The team of Jahne Benthall and Deontrey Yeargin had a preliminary record of 6-2 and finished as the 16th seed out of 120 total teams. Yeargin was awarded 14th speaker out of 240 total competitors.
Survey on Winter Session
Please take a few moments to complete a brief survey to tell us your thoughts on the Winter Session, which offers current, transfer, and visiting students the opportunity to enroll in 3-week, 100% online courses over the winter break. This survey was designed to solicit your feedback about the Winter Session at UofL. The results from this survey will be used to inform and improve on the messaging, availability, and need of the Winter Session at UofL.This survey will take 2 to 4 minutes to complete. Note that this is not an instructor, course, or institutional evaluation. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Your individual responses will be kept confidential and will not negatively affect your standing at the University of Louisville.
Great Place to Work
Congratulations to Prof. Hammond!
The American Chemical Society honored Prof. GB Hammond (Chemistry) with its biennial Division of Fluorine Distinguished Service Award in January. The award recognizes teaching, writing, research and administration that have enhanced significantly the fluorine chemistry field.
Prof. Petry's article recognized by F1000 Faculty
Congratulations to Prof. Emeritus Heywood Petry (Psychological & Brain Sciences), whose article, "The Second Visual System of the Tree Shrew" was "recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field".
F1000Prime identifies and recommends important articles in biology and medical research publications. Articles are selected by a peer-nominated global 'Faculty' of the world's leading scientists and clinicians who then rate them and explain their importance. Their recommendations form a fully searchable database containing more than 100,000 records and identifying the best research available.
Prof. Koven publishes new book
Prof. Steven Koven (Urban & Public Affairs) published his book The Case Against Bureaucratic Discretion with Palgrave Macmillan.
Great Place to Invest
Our development staff is at full capacity
For the first time in the recent memory, A&S has four development officers actively raising funds for the College. In addition to Denise Bohn, Senior Director of Development, we now have development directors working on behalf of each academic division.
Dillon, Jessica, and Asma will be focused on moving those that give $500 or more to become larger more committed donors while building relationships with the many un-cultivated alumni. Please be sure to share names of donors and prospects with them and make sure you report any significant gifts, including any gifts-in-kind. It is important for the College to capture all of these in order to thank and steward our donors properly.
In the News
Artist and Activist Elmer Lucille Allen Honored as one of the Pillars of Louisville (Insider Louisville, 2/1/19) - Highlights the history of the University of Louisville's past of segregation.
'It's a historic moment': First Louisville-area girls joining Boy Scouts (Courier-Journal, 1/31/19) - Professor Nancy Theriot is interviewed regarding the differences between male-only and female-only groups.
Theatre Arts Presents 'Almost, Maine,' a almost romantic comedy (UofL News, 1/30/19) - Article about the current run of Almost, Maine with showings through February 10.
Documentaries and drama highlight the 21st Louisville Jewish Film Festival (Insider Louisville, 2/3/19) - "The Tenth Man" will be screened alongside the Naamani Memorial Lecture on February 24th at Rauch Planetarium.
Confused about cancer? Here's what we really do know about its causes (NewScientist, 2/4/19) - Discussion regarding commonly held beliefs about actions that cause cancer.