
Title Email Phone (502) Rm
Dr. Amy Acklin Professor; Associate Director of Bands 852.8287 LL69
Dr. Won Joo Ahn Assistant Director of Choral Activities,
Assistant Professor of Performance Studies
852.0893 240
Emily Albrink Associate Professor, Voice 852.5492 247
Dr. Michael Alsop

Assistant Professor of Music Education;
Music Education Concentration Coordinator

852.4542 228
Dr.  Jack Ashworth Professor Emeritus, Music History 852.0541  LL21
Dr. Ansyn Banks Professor, Jazz Studies 852.1858  334
Dr. Christopher Brody Associate Professor of Music Theory 852.3590  236
Dr. Devin Burke Associate Professor, Music History 852.1869 223
Dr. Gregory Byrne Professor, Percussion 852.4665 LL70
Dr. Kirsten Speyer Carithers Assistant Professor, Music History 852.4537 216
David Clark Director of Jazz Studies 852.1859 335
Dr. Devin Cobleigh-Morrison Assistant Professor of Horn 852.1873 338
Dr. Jason P. Cumberledge Director of Athletic Bands,
Assistant Professor of Performance Studies
852.1932  LL72
Dr. Katherine Calcamuggio Donner Associate Professor, Voice 852.5493 246
Megan Durham Lecturer, Voice
Austin Echols Professor, University Chorus austin.echols@louisville.edu
Dr. Matilda Ertz Lecturer, Music History 852.0746  226
Dr. Gabriel Evens Associate Professor of Jazz Piano 852.7075  315
Chris Fitzgerald Professor, Jazz Bass,
Jazz Piano & Theory
852.1857  231
Carlo Frizzo Lecturer, Music Theory carlo.frizzo@louisville.edu
Karen Griffin Lecturer, Piano 852.5877  316
Dr. Leanne Hampton Lecturer, Flute

852.0537 336
Dr. Kent E. Hatteberg Professor; Director of Choral Activities;
University Scholar
852.0822  241
Dr. Geoffrey Herd Assistant Professor, Violin
Dr. Barry Johnson Lecturer, Music Industry, Creative Studies 852.0544  218
Francisco Joubert Bernard Lecturer, Bassoon 852.5574 322
Sidney King Professor, Double Bass & Music Education;
Area Coordinator of Strings
852.1844  326
Dr. Reese Land Associate Professor, Trumpet 852.7857  337
Sunjoo Lee Lecturer, Class Piano
Kimcherie Lloyd Professor; Director of Orchestral Studies;
Director of Opera; Director of Undergraduate Studies
852.3996  237
Dr. Melissa Lloyd Assistant Professor, Music Education melissa.lloyd@louisville.edu 852.0536 229
Dr. Rebecca Long Assistant Professor, Music Theory

852.0540 227
Dr. Stephen Mattingly Professor, Guitar 852.5607  328
Dr. Clinton McCanless Associate Professor, Tuba/Euphonium 852.4342  339
Dr. Adam McCord Associate Professor, Saxophone 852.0538  322
Sean Mulhall Lecturer, Music History 852.0542  214
Dr. Matthew Nelson Associate Professor, Clarinet 852.0872  331
Steve Noble Lecturer, Music History 852.0523  221
Dr. Kevin Nordstrom Lecturer, Viola 852-5616 323
Brett Northrup Lecturer, Music Therapy 852-0545 212
Dr. Allison Ogden Assistant Professor, Composition 852.7879  234
Terry O'Mahoney Jazz Drum 311
Tyler Osborne Lecturer, Music Theory k0osbo02@louisville.edu 214
Dr. Anna Petrova Assistant Professor, Piano 852.6640  314
Jennifer Potochnic Lecturer, Oboe & Music History 852.5996  330
Dr. Ulrike Präger  Assistant Professor, Music History
Michael Ramach Lecturer, Music History & Opera 852.0544  218
Dr. Teresa Reed Dean, Professor of Music
Dr. John Ritz Assistant Professor, Composition & Creative Studies 852.4137  238
Brad Rogers Assistant Director, Athletic Bands
Director, UofL Community Band

852.5996 317
Dr. Lorna Segall MT-BC Director, Assistant Professor of Music Therapy 852.2316  211
Dr. Brett Shuster Professor, Trombone;
Area Coordinator of Brass
852.5526  333
Chad Sloan Associate Professor, Voice,
Area Coordinator of Voice
852.5249  244
Dr. Frederick Speck Professor & Department Chair of Performance Studies;
Director of Bands
852.5495  LL68
Craig Wagner Lecturer, Jazz Guitar 852.5609  238
Dr. Krista Wallace-Boaz Associate Dean 852.5638  319
Dr. Krzysztof Wolek Professor, Composition 852.7879  234
Dr. Daniel Worley Lecturer, Composition 852.5609  219
Paul York Professor, Cello;
Coordinator of Applied Music and Pedagogy Concentration
852.4642  324