Jason Cumberledge is Director of Athletic Bands and Assistant Professor of Performance Studies at the University of Louisville, where he directs the UofL Athletic Bands program, including the Cardinal Marching Band and Cardinal Pep Band. He also conducts the University Concert Band and teaches courses in music education, including marching band techniques, conducting, and drill writing. Prior to his arrival in Louisville, he served on the band faculty at the University of Central Florida where his responsibilities included directing the 300-member UCF Marching Knights. Dr. Cumberledge also served as a graduate teaching assistant at Florida State University, where he worked with the university’s athletic and concert bands and taught courses in instrumental music education. He taught for nine years in Worcester County Public Schools, MD.
In addition to these posts, he currently conducts the Brass Band of Louisville, including recent performances at the Kentucky Music Educators Association State Convention and the Great American Brass Band Festival. He has also served as director of the Kittanning Fireman’s Band, leading them to a Pennsylvania state senior marching band championship in 2002. He currently is Coordinator for KMEA State Solo and Ensemble Festival, held each spring at UofL. He has served the state of Kentucky as Past President of the Kentucky College Band Director's Association and Coordinator for the Kentucky Intercollegiate Band. Dr. Cumberledge holds a B.S. in Music Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and an M.M.E. and Ph.D. in Music Education and Instrumental Conducting from Florida State University. His conducting teachers include Richard Clary, Patrick Dunnigan, André Thomas, and Jack Stamp.
Dr. Cumberledge is active as a guest conductor, adjudicator, band clinician, drill writer, and music arranger. His arrangements and transcriptions have been performed at the middle school, high school, and collegiate levels. He has presented research at national, state, and regional conferences, including the NAfME Biennial National Conference, CBDNA National Conference, CBDNA Athletic Band Symposium, and Desert Skies Symposium on Research in Music Education. His published articles have appeared in the Journal of Band Research, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Contributions to Music Education, Research Perspectives in Music Education, The Instrumentalist, and various state journals. Dr. Cumberledge’s professional affiliations include the College Band Directors National Association, National Association for Music Education, National Band Association, Kentucky Music Educators Association, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. He is an honorary member of Tau Beta Sigma and was recently inducted into Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society.