Education Law

Education law includes schools, school systems and school boards, students' rights and student movements.

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Research project inspires interest in labor law for two students
Erwin Sherman ('53) honored by Kentucky Justice Association
Common ground across the aisle
Dean Crawford reflects on the 'ideological complexity' he has encountered among students and alumni.
A whirlwind entrance to Louisville
In his first two months in Louisville, Dean Crawford has met several interesting people, including alumni and current students.
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3 Brandeis Students at the Expungement Clinic
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Robert Brown (far left) participates in a traditional Japanese ceremony at the Governor's Mansion.
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Dean Colin Crawford (left) and Ben Chandler
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Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Mitch McConnell
Professor Grace Giesel publishes in Seton Hall Law Review
Brandeis Law students raise money for local high schoolers interested in the law
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