Education Law

Education law includes schools, school systems and school boards, students' rights and student movements.

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This questionnaire is for guest speakers at events sponsored by Brandeis School of Law and will help ensure that we are adequately equipped and prepared to help make your presentation successful
Image PNG imageJesten Slaw Headshot
Brandeis Law scholars top download ranking
ImageRestorative justice in Belize
A group of Brandeis students spent their spring break in Belize with Dean Duncan as part of UofL’s International Service Learning Program center center
‘I Have a Dream’ speech will be screened on MLK holiday
ImageLawyers Without Rights: Jewish Lawyers Under the Third Reich
5:30 pm, Friday, Feb. 1 | Trager Family Jewish Community Center | ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED:
Brandeis Law students advocate for immigrant rights at Louisville Metro Council meeting
Faculty Octet StreamLonita Baker
FacultySusan Tanner
Prohibiting employees from discussing working conditions could violate law, Prof. Levinson says
Brandeis Alum elected District Court Judge
Hancock Co. native elected judge for 38th District Court of Kentucky
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