Director: Dr. Manuel Medina
Assistant Program Director: Dr. Carmen
“Panama is a country that is a ‘bridge,’ bridging worlds, people of
all colors and cultures.”
–Marie Pierre Good
“It was very enlightening to listen and converse about politics,
economics, education, and religion with people outside of the United
States. The most influential part of the trip was discussions with those
who live in Panamá.”
–Erin Puterbaugh
“This experience has given me more confidence in myself in that I am
now positive that I am able to speak Spanish and be understood by native
–Danielle Minter
“Even though I’m from Panama it was different because I got to visit
several places that I haven’t been before. In the class I was reminded
of the history of my country; and as the course went on I learned
things, more in depth, about what has taken place in the last 27 years.”
–Elsa Sharlow
“In Louisville our main Latin American population includes the
Mexican, Puerto Rican and Cuban ethnicities. Before this trip, I knew
little to nothing of the Panamanian culture.”
–Brandi Gates
“We talked about the 1989 invasion of Panama by the U.S. I never
realized how little I knew about Panama.”
–Jami Wilson
“This experience has helped point me in a new direction regarding my
career path. I would like to obtain a job that would allow me to travel
and see many other Latin American countries.”
–Justin Hersh
“The excursion to the Emberá tribe was inspiring and breathtaking.
The simplicity of the community and the beauty of the land are
impossible to put into words.”
–Kristin Reading
“Panama and especially Panama City has a unique history that goes far
back. It was so cool to see how history plays such a big part in the
culture they have today.”
–Tiffany Coffey
“The interaction of my course work and living abroad made for a
wonderful experience. My Spanish language acquisition was sped along by
day-to-day activities conducted entirely in Spanish.”
–Travis Wimsett