Curricular Toolkit — University of Louisville Ideas To Action

Curricular Toolkit

The Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE) is one of the many high impact practices of the University of Louisville. This CUE curricular toolkit is designed to provide support and resources for faculty, staff and others who are developing, implementing and assessing culminating undergraduate experiences at the University of Louisville. Under each chapter you will find expanded descriptions of each category or defining feature, background context, examples from UofL courses, and references for further reading.

This CUE resource continues to grow. Please check back frequently for new tools, resources and references! (We strive to maintain an up-to-date website. If you find a link that is not active, please contact Dr. Nisha Gupta.)

Table of Contents

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Defining Features
  3. Defining Features - Working Tools (For individual programs within Unit Implementation)
  4. * Defining Feature #1 - Is Undertaken After Sufficient Academic Preparation
  5. * Defining Feature #2 - Is Part, or All, of an Approved or Accepted Credit- Bearing Course in the Major or Experience in the Discipline/Major
  6. Defining Feature #3 - Students' Mastery, Reflection, Application and Integration (Sections 1-3)
  7. Defining Feature #4 - Address an Authentic Issue
  8. Defining Feature #5 - Incorporates ongoing, comprehensive feedback
  9. Defining Feature #6 - Results in an output that can be assessed
  10. Assignment-Centered Course Design & Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS)

* These Defining Features (#1 and #2) are related to the student's program of study.

All other Defining Features (#3, #4, #5, and #6) are related to the nature of the CUE courses/experience.

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