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Bridges to the Future 
Transitional Care Program 
Talking With Providers & 

Finding Adult Providers 





Important Information 

�The information in this presentation is offered to supplement 
the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor 
implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 
�Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified 
health provider prior to starting any new treatment, dietary 
change or exercise program, or with any questions regarding 
medical conditions or information in this workshop. 
�While Norton Healthcare, Inc., has attempted to ensure the 
accuracy of this information, it makes no representations or 
warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or 
completeness of the information reported. 


Important Information 

�Norton Healthcare, Inc. assumes no legal liability or 
responsibility for any errors, omissions or damage resulting 
from the use of information in this presentation. 
� This information does not offer any guarantee regarding 
services that Norton Healthcare, Inc., provides patients. 
�Links to other sites and references to other organizations do 
not imply an endorsement by Norton Healthcare, Inc., which 
does not have responsibility for such sites or organizations. 
� By attending this workshop, you acknowledge that you 
understand, consent to, and abide by these limitations and 

arrows,Photographs,signs,text,transportation,two way traffic
Is Good Communication Like a 
Two-Way Street? 



When it comes to medical 
appointments for youth, 
communication is more 
like a three-way street: 

babies,deliveries,rooms,doctors,fathers,healthcare,medicine,men,mothers,newborns,occupations,people,physicians,special occasions,surgical masks,women
It�s More Like a Three-Way Street! 



 Parents / Guardians 


Care Providers 

Get Ready to Listen! 

.Pay close attention 
when health care 
providers are talking to 
.Ask questions if need 
more info or don�t 


Get Ready to Write 
Studies have shown 
that most people can 
recall only 2 or 3 things 
that doctors tell them, 
unless they write down 
the information or 

academic,African descent,boys,children,classrooms,learning,notebooks,people,schools,students,tests,writings

Making Appointments 

Have these items handy 
BEFORE you call to make 
an appointment: 
.Your insurance card 
.Name of the provider to see 
.Reason for appointment 

suits,business,businessmen,busy,cell phones,communications,iStockphoto,laptop computers,occupations,professionals,smiling,working,writings

Before Office Visits 

doctors,fotolia,friendly,healthcare,hospitals,nurses,scrubs,stethescope,medical students
.Know Your Medical History 
.Know Your Medications 
.Perform a Health Review 
.Make a Medical Diary 
.Make a List of Questions 
.Know How You Like to Get 
Information & the Easiest Way 
for You to Remember Info 


Take Medications With You 

Take the medications in 
original containers or 
make sure to include 
updated info in your 
Bridges Binder and take 
it with to office visits. 

bottles,drugs,health,healthcare,jobs,medications,medicine,occupations,people at work,persons,pharmaceuticals,pharmacists,photographs,pill bottles,pills,prescription drugs,prescription medications,prescription medicines,prescriptions,women

Be Honest 

African descent,crutches,healthcare,men,patients,people,women,out-patients,forms,hospitals,dispensaries,clinics,receptionists,nurses,occupations
Your care providers need 
accurate information so 
follow these rules: 
.Always tell the truth. 
.Speak up about problems. 
.Don't be embarrassed. 
.Admit any mistakes. 


If you don't understand or you 
want more information, you 
should say: 
�Please tell me more.� 
�Could you explain again?� 
�Please write that down.� 
�Where can I get more info?� 

Be Curious 

question mark.jpg

An Easy Way to Remember 
G Give honest information. 

L Listen carefully. 

A Ask questions. 

D Decide what to do next 
and do your part to 
follow the care plan. 


Other Questions to Ask 

Please explain any problem(s) and what I need to do. 
Will the problem(s) get better? Why or Why not? 
Do I need any medical tests? If yes, what kind? 
Do I need new medication? Are there any side effects? 
What should I do & NOT do to take care of myself? 
Do I need another appointment? If yes, when? 
Is there other information I should remember? 
Is there any follow-up? What is my next step? 

After the Appointment 

Forget Something? 

Call or email your doctor's office 
to ask questions 

Follow Your Plan of Care: 

Go over notes from the 
appointment. Finish checklist. 

Use a Personal Health Journal: 

Record/review your progress. 



Questions to Consider 

.Do I participate in my appointments by offering 
information, answering questions, expressing my 
concerns and asking questions? 
.Do I express my own thoughts & feelings even 
when they differ from my parent(s) or provider? 
.Do I ask for some time alone with providers for 
private discussion and am I able to ask questions 
without feeling embarrassed? 


When Will I Transition to Adult Care? 

Actual transition is 
usually between ages 
18 and 21, but you and 
your family should 
start planning several 
years before that. 

you and your family 
should start planning 
several years before 

co-workers,doctors,expressions,groups,healthcare,lab coats,medicine,occupations,people,physicians

Without advance planning, teens and 
families may be unpleasantly surprised 
when they are refused care at a doctor�s 
office or a children�s hospital because they 
have �aged out.� 

Why Should We Plan Ahead? 


Asian,doctors,females,healthcare,lab coats,males,men,occupations,people,women
.Inform your current health care 

. Check insurance list of 
approved care providers in your 

. Ask friends and other patients 
for recommendations. 

How Do We Start the Transition? 


. Get referrals from current 

. Check your insurance network 

.Ask people with similar needs 

. Contact local medical societies 
and associations 

. Ask your Bridges Coordinator 


Where to Look 

African Americans,African descent,doctors,health,healthcare,jobs,medical equipment,medicine,men,occupations,people at work,persons,photographs,physicians,scrubs,stethoscopes,surgeons,uniforms

Details to Consider 

. Are the office location and hours convenient? 
. How do you contact the doctor after hours? 
. Is the doctor on staff at the hospital you want to use? 
. Is the potential new doctor knowledgeable about your 
special health care needs? 
. Do you like the personalities and communication style 
of potential providers and office staff? 


It�s an Important Decision 

Keep in mind: The best time 
to see a new physician is 
when your health condition 
is stable. 

Before making the final choice for a new 
doctor(s), ask office staff if you can 
schedule a 10-15 minute appointment as a 
�get acquainted� interview. 

You might have to pay for that type of visit 
because it may not be covered by 

Get to Know Potential Providers 

The �Get Acquainted� Meeting 

.Create a list of questions before 
1st meeting with providers 
.Bring your Bridges Binder 
.Arrive early to ease anxiety 
.�Take the lead� during the visit 
by asking and answering 

arms crossed,expressions,healthcare,medicine,nurses,scrubs,smiling,stethoscopes,people,occupations,personal appearance

.Is the doctor knowledgeable about your health 
issues and/or willing to lean? 
. Did you like the doctor�s �bedside manner�? 
.Is the office staff willing to help with requests for 
prior approvals from insurance providers and other 
documentation as needed. 
.Are you satisfied with office practices and access 
during an emergency or urgent situation. 




After the 1st Visit, Ask Yourself� 

The �Right� Providers Will� 

.Help you set short-term and long-term goals. 
.Help you consider new/emerging treatments. 
.Help you connect with support organizations and 
community resources. 
.Help you to advocate on your own behalf. 
.Help you follow up with difficult referrals. 
.Help you find needed services such as 
transportation, medical equipment and home care. 



What Info Will New Providers Need 

.Copy of insurance card & photo ID. 
.Copy of patient�s transition plan. 
.Copies of medical records 
.Contact information for someone 
on both the pediatric primary and 
specialty care teams. 




3-Ds,caducei,clipped images,healthcare,icons,medicine,occupations,PowerPoint,PresentationPro,symbols,backgrounds,web elements
You will receive a flash drive with forms 
for your current physician to fill out. 

Communicating with Adult Providers 

� Talk directly with them. 

� Speak up about any questions or concerns 

� Take responsibility for following the plan of care 

� Take responsibility to stay healthy, such as eating 
right, exercising, not smoking or chewing, not 
drinking, and not taking drugs. 

� Be on time for appointments. 


What About Dental Care? 

Let your dentist know 
if you are: 

. In pain 
. Afraid of dental visits 
. Concerned about 


check-ups,dental care,dental examinations,dental hygiene,dental patients,dental work,dentistry,dentists,females,healthcare,medicines,patients,people at work,persons,Photographs,women

Important Info for Dental Care 

.Some individuals, including anyone 
with a heart condition, require 
premedication with an antibiotic prior 
to dental appointments. 
.If the dentist forgets, the individual 
should refuse to continue with the 
.Antibiotic should be taken one hour 
prior to appointment. 


What else do we need to know? 

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Resources for Bridges Workshops 

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