6 Joey modeling for parents.txt

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File contents

Mom (Pat) & Dad (Mike) -Mealtime 
Priority Goal: 
During family dinners, Joey will sit at the dining room table either eating or quietly 
playing with a toy for at least 10 min for 2/3 dinners. 

Assets and Concerns: 

Joey is a good eater. He loves fruits and vegetables. He does not join the family at 

the dinner table. He grazes throughout the day. He walks around like eating, 
especially when eating outdoors (searching for mud puddles). Mom and Dad would especially like Joey 
to join them at the table for the extended family dinners on Sunday. 

Consider other family challenges and assets that you have experienced which the coach is not privy too 
(e.g., one of Joey�s 4 year old cousins seems to feel that Joey receives preferential treatment). Bring these 
into the conversation and coaching process. 

What you have tried: 

Offering Joey preferred foods. Keeping Joey in a booster seat which caused massive tantrums. Closing 
off doors in the kitchen to contain Joey. 


Provider (Sam) � Mealtime 
Priority Goal: 
During family dinners, Joey will sit at the dining room table either eating or quietly 
playing with a toy for at least 10 min for 2/3 dinners. 

Prior Observations: 

Observed Joey at a prior mealtime, Joey was agitated and would not join his 
parents at the table. He grabbed a carrot and jumped off the chair and 

wandered around the kitchen eating. Mom tried to coax him back to his seat with another carrot. Joey 
became very agitated (tantrum). 

Coaching Mom/Dad: 

Developing a Plan 

COACH and OBSERVER Review the Framework for Reflective Questions and the Parent Implemented 
Intervention Checklist (Step 3) to decide what questions to ask mom/dad? COACH asks questions and 
parents respond. 

Modeling for Parents 

(COACH choose one of the two options and follow the steps for planned modeling) 

Show mom/dad how to reinforce Joey immediately for coming to his seat 
Show mom/dad how to use prompting to bring Joey back to his seat 
Steps for Planned Modeling 

Joint discussion of what will be modeled and why 
Give inviting partner something specific to observe or do 
Model while inviting partner observes 
Debrief what worked, what didn�t, what coach could have done differently, and what 
inviting partner might want to try 
Inviting partner tries to implement if comfortable 
Inviting partner and coach reflect on the activity 
Develop a plan for how the strategy or activity will happen when the coach is not present 

Joey / Observer -Mealtime 
Priority Goal: 
During family dinners, Joey will sit at the dining room table either eating or quietly 
playing with a toy for at least 10 min for 2/3 dinners. 

Assets and Concerns: 

Joey is a good eater. He loves fruits and vegetables. He does not join the family at 

the dinner table. He grazes throughout the day. He walks around like eating, 
especially when eating outdoors (searching for mud puddles). Mom and Dad would especially like Joey 
to join them at the table for the extended family dinners on Sunday. 

Reflection on Observation: 

Use the General Coaching Rating Scale to provide the Coach feedback on his/her coaching. 
