Emotional Support Animals

It is the policy of Campus Health Services that our medical and psychiatric staff do not provide documentation for Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) except in very rare circumstances. The following conditions must be met before supplying ESA documentation will be considered:

1. You must be an established patient with the provider for at least 6 months.
2. You must be in active treatment such as being engaged in psychotherapy or taking medication.
3. You must discuss the possibility of having an ESA with your provider before getting an animal.
4. Your symptoms must be severe enough for you to be considered disabled and the ESA must alleviate those symptoms in some way.

For information about the University's policy on the use of emotional support animals on campus, please visit https://louisville.edu/policies/policies-and-procedures/pageholder/pol-use-of-service-and-emotional-support-animals-on-campus