Repeat a Course (older version)

This is the older version of the repeat course form. If you are repeating a course for the first time effective Fall 2018, use the new repeat form here.

If you have retaken a class that you got a C, D, or F in - you may fill out this form and return it to A&S Advising. If you have any concerns about whether you need to retake a class (or use a repeat form) please consult with your academic advisor.

You can use 4 repeat forms total (overall) between your enrollment and graduation from UofL. Repeat forms basically exclude the first grade for a class from your GPA. If you have two F's it will essentially consolidate them into one F in terms of your numerical GPA. You will still be able to view the first grade, but it will say "repeated, excluded from GPA" under the grade. You can only use a repeat form once for C and D grades. Permission will usually not be granted for a student to repeat lower level courses after a higher level course in the sequence has been passed (but it should be approved if the higher level course was withdrawn or not passed). Current policies (which surpass this statement) regarding repeat forms can be found in the undergraduate catalog.

If you are repeating a course in the current semester and submit the course repeat form, the course repeat will not process until semester grades post.

To confirm your repeat has processed, login to your ULINK account and view your unofficial transcript.  The initial grade for the course will appear, but it will include “Repeated, Excluded from GPA; Grade Forgiven.”

If you repeat a course at another institution, the course repeat form will not process until the University of Louisville has received your official transcript, with the final grade, from the other institution.  It is your responsibility to request this transcript from their Registrar’s Office in a timely manner.

Course repeat forms must be submitted prior to the conferral of a degree (graduation).

Note: Some professional school programs will re-calculate repeated courses back into applicant's GPA's regardless of the use of this form. Additionally, for A&S students, repeated courses will be calculated back into a student’s GPA in order to determine their eligibility to graduate with academic honors.

You may also Download the Repeat Form, then fax, scan/email, or deliver the completed form to Gardiner Hall.

Do you intend to graduate at the end of the current term?  

Do you intend to transfer to another unit (ex. College of Business) at the end of the current term?  

Please read the following and check each box to confirm that you understand each statement. If you have questions, please contact the A&S Advising Office at (502) 852-5502 or by e-mail at