How do I add/drop/change a class after the deadline?
What is the deadline to add/drop a class?
The deadline dates for adding or dropping an Arts and Sciences class are published in the Schedule of Courses.
I missed the deadline. So, now what do I do?
You must submit a petition to the Arts & Sciences Admissions and Appeals Committee. This is a faculty committee, which will consider your reasons and either approve or deny your request. (If the class is NOT an A&S class you must petition the Unit who actually offered the class.)
It is an A&S Class - so how do I enroll past the deadline?
You will need to submit 2 forms per class:
1. Either a Request for Waiver of Deadline to ADD a class or a Request for Waiver of Deadline to WITHDRAW a class. Forms are two sided - be sure to complete both the front and back of the form. Be sure to provide a COMPLETE course number for each class. Sign and date the form.
Petitions with incomplete information will be returned to you for completion and will delay your results. Refer to the checklist of commonly missed items in the right column of this page.
2. A completed Notice of Petition/Request for Instructor Remarks from EACH instructor for EACH class you wish to add or drop. You can usually contact or leave word for the instructor via the main telephone number of the A&S Department offering the class. If you are told your instructor is no longer available, ask the Department operator for a referral to someone who can complete the form for you.
Where do I get the forms?
Petition forms are available on the website. There are two types of petition forms - one to add and one to drop - be sure to select the correct one. Remember to also get "Instructors Remarks Sheets" for EACH class you wish to add or drop!
Where do I turn in the completed forms?
The completed forms are to be turned in at the front desk of the A&S Advising Office, located on the 1st floor of Gardiner Hall, building #43 on the Belknap Campus map. Regular office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
You may also use the mailing address or fax number shown on the petition form. It is your responsibility to see that the information submitted is both complete and accurate. Missing Instructor comment sheets and incomplete or incorrect information on the forms can delay a committee decision.
When and how will I get the results?*
The committee regularly meets once a week, except during holidays, and the submission deadlines for the current week are posted in the hallway with the forms. If the deadline for the current week has passed, your petition will go the following week.
Results are immediately e-mailed to you at the address shown on the petition.
*In an effort to protect your private information, results will not be given out over the phone.