2013-2014 Winners

Image C source code1ST PLACE Little Patient Philippines Dental Clinic
1st place submission: Little Patient – Phillipines Dental Clinic – DaJuan Edwards (Cebu, Phillipines)- During the Fall 2013 semester, DaJuan traveled to Cebu with other Communication majors as part of a service learning trip. - Photographer’s description: “This little girl that was a patient at the dental clinic in at one of the school's we volunteered at in Cebu, Philippines. I captured two dental students comforting her about her fear of getting dental work on December 11, 2013”- Judge’s comments: “Captured the power of U of L's global community outreach” and “It strikes me as really having captured a moment. To me, it evokes the feeling of compassion, because I get the sense the two adults are very genuinely happy to be assisting the child. I think the black and white editing was an excellent choice here because the image is about the people and what’s happening between them as opposed to emphasizing, say, the pretty colors of the scenery.”- Prize: A $100 gift certificate to Murphy’s Camera and a $50 gift card towards a photo book of his travels
Image object code2nd place submission: Sahara to Sundown – Ben Rathnow (Sahara Desert, Morroco)
2nd place submission: Sahara to Sundown – Ben Rathnow (Sahara Desert, Morroco) - Photographer: Ben Rathnow, Senior Anthropology major and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies minor- ISA- Studied in Meknes, Morocco- Photographer’s description: “I took this photograph turned around while riding a camel in the Sahara desert. The sun was scorching and the temperature was well over 100 degrees. It was taken in July in the middle of Ramadan. I took a 9 hour non air conditioned bus ride from Meknes with these fellas to get to this southern tip of Morocco where the Sahara begins. We camped out in the desert that evening.”- Judge’s comment: “It right away made me imagine myself being in the scenario pictured, out in the vast desert… it seems to imply a story and makes me want to know more. We can see for miles behind them but where are they headed? The shadows look like the sun is going down… are they almost to their destination? All that open desert struck a chord with the adventure-seeking side of me!”- Prize: A $75 gift certificate to Murphy’s Camera
Image3rd place submission: The Market - Kathryn Harrington (Cusco, Peru)
3rd place submission: The Market - Kathryn Harrington (Cusco, Peru)- Photographer: Kathryn Harrington, Junior Fine Arts Major with a minor in Communication- She traveled abroad to Peru with the University of Louisville Women’s Center in the Summer of 2013.- Photographer’s description: This photo was taken in Cusco, Peru at a local market where produce, meat, clothing and jewelry etc. can be bought.- Also caught the eye of one of the judges: “Loved the narrow depth of field - showed an understanding of photography - also has elements of the culture and traditions.”- Prize: A $50 gift certificate to Murphy’s Camera
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