ACES symposium information

Revisiting the Higher Education Act of 1965 …Empowerment through Education Call for Proposal The University of Louisville’s A.C.E.S. KY: Black & Latino Student Symposium explores both scholarly and practical approaches to systemic issues of access and student success for Black and Latinos within educational systems. The event will be held Thursday, February 26, 2015 at the University of Louisville’s Swain Student Activities Center in Louisville, Kentucky as a pre-conference event to the National Black Family Conference. As a partner with the University’s Project Progress: 1965, a five year exploration of the last half decade of America’s Civil Rights years (1963-1968), the symposium will explore the issues that lead to the need for the Higher Education Act of 1965 and what progress has been made to improve Black and Latino students’ access to and success within institutions of higher education from 1965 to present. We seek proposals for paper and poster presentations, interactive workshops, or colloquia, for 75-minute concurrent sessions. We are particularly interested in instructional and program models, theoretical developments, and empirical research that address how education has influenced the human condition over the past 50 years. Sessions should promote discussion of best practices and future prospects for research, teaching, policy and programming. Each session should discuss inclusive practices and support systems for Black and Latino students as we move deeper into the 21st Century. The overarching themes are related to student access, persistence, and graduation within education based on the following tracks: o Academic challenges that impact student success o Cultural Awareness and identity formation through academic and co-curricular experiences o Engagement theory, concepts, and strategies of Black and Latino students within and outside of the classroom o Social Justice movements, at the micro and macro levels, that impact educational attainment. Deadline to submit your proposal is January 9, 2015 Online submission form available Questions? Please contact Tomarra Adams at 502-852-3077 or by email at
ACES symposium information
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