Course Criteria
Courses designated "WGST" meet the following criteria:
- at least one-third to one-half of the course content must be directly pertinent to the study of women, gender, and sexuality;
- the content of the course should be consonant with an assumption of full human dignity and human rights for both women and men;
- the course must include the recognition of differences among women in terms of such categories as race, class, sexuality, age, and cultures;
- the course must promote a critical approach to learning;
- the content and method of the course must fall within the general questions, concerns, and methodology of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies as a field.
In addition, courses approved as Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies courses must address at least one of the learning goals for the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies major. The course must aid students to do at least one of the following:
- develop interdisciplinary perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality;
- improve critical thinking skills for approaching gender issues within and beyond American culture;
- acquire an understanding of the intersection of gender with other structures of power such as race and class;
- develop the ability to connect theoretical and historical knowledge about gender to women's lived experiences.