Policy & Economic Development (PED)

Policy & Economic Development (PED) 2021-2022  
COMMITTEE DESCRIPTION: This committee advises the Staff Senate in all financial resource, human resource, and economic welfare matters affecting university staff. Areas of focus include: salary and compensation, health and hospitalization insurance, retirement, staff development, and other matters referred to them which apply to the finance and economic welfare of support staff. Review plans and priorities developed by University-wide groups that may have a financial impact upon support staff. Review functions that may have a planned or potential implication upon the current or future budget of the University considering human resources as well as financial allocation. Review of all University documents and publications that may impact staff governance, staff role and function, and any other rules or regulations for staff operations. Act as liaison as necessary, with the U.S. Department of Labor, the Kentucky Department of Economic Development and other sources of information considered to be within the scope of staff economic welfare. The Chair of the PED shall be appointed to serve as staff representative to the Human Resources Advisory Committee, or its successor. A member of the PED shall be a staff representative to any University planning committee or to any other ad hoc committee established for planning purposes by the President of the University or his designee.
7 Members (Voting)
Kenneth Allen
Kathy Brashear
Martin Brown
Virginia Hosono
Victoria King
Jared Neal
Tony Robinson
Patti Williams
David Young
Ex Officio (Non-voting)
Staff Senate Vice Chair: Andrew Grubb
Updated 7.15.2021


University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

SENATE Office 

Office of the Provost

Grawemeyer Hall, 209

         SENATE OFFICERS                      staff senate application

       Kevin Ledford

      Kari Donahue

     Carcyle Barrett