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Message from the Dean
The beginning of a new year often brings a sense of optimism and creativity. In higher education, this translates into innovative teaching, impactful research, and strong community partnerships. Over the past few weeks, many of us have experienced feelings of uncertainty over the national media and discussions of changes within federal agencies. I am in continuous communication with the Provost, UofL leadership, and public health deans across the country through ASPPH. We are coordinated in our approach to share the importance of public health and higher education. The work we do in public health is now more important than ever, and SPHIS is uniquely positioned to navigate the changing landscape.
SPHIS faculty and staff are being honored and recognized for their publications and contributions to public health. Our newsletter highlights an article by Drs. Ryan Combs and Hallie Decker, Dr. David Johnson’s 2024 TILL Teaching Innovation Award, and the scholarly work of Dr. Shaminul Shakib and Dr. Anne Wallis. Dr. Stephanie Boone’s study, the RURAL (Risk Underlying Rural Areas Longitudinal) Heart and Lung Study of Kentucky, was highlighted by the Hazard Herald. We are also pleased to hear about the journey of SPHIS alumnus Dr. Soutik Ghosal, who is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine. It is inspiring to see how Dr. Ghosal has embraced his role since graduating from SPHIS.
I’m excited to announce that we have welcomed several new employees, including Dr. Kim Linnear, Associate Dean for Administration and Assistant Professor; Arial Young, Dept. Coordinator II, Dept. of Epidemiology and Population Health; Cam Caskey, Academic Advisor II, and Sarah Duncan, Administrative Associate, Undergraduate Program. Our Philanthropy and Alumni Department also welcomed a new member to their team, Christy Dickerson, Assistant Director of Development.
Another great addition to the school is our student ambassadors. Over the past seven months, I’ve gotten to know this outstanding group of students. Be sure to read senior Sarah Belcher’s feature in our newsletter and the other accomplishments of our amazing public health students. Also, please help spread the word that we are recruiting for our next cohort of SPHIS Student Ambassadors for Fall 2025.
If you’re attending the Kentucky Public Health Association (KPHA) Annual Conference March 26-28 in Louisville, please stop by the SPHIS booth in the Learning Lounge to say hello and grab some UofL swag. For National Public Health Week in April, we are planning a SPHIS-community volunteer day. We are gathering a list of local organizations where we can help put our public health expertise into action and continue building relationships within our community. Finally, we’re already looking forward to warmer days and opening day of the Gray Street Farmers Market will be Thursday, June 05. Stay tuned for more details.
I want to close by emphasizing how much I care about the SPHIS community and upholding our core values. I share your commitment to serving our most vulnerable populations through our research, teaching, and community engagement. As we continue to navigate change in the coming weeks and months, I truly believe with compassion and support for one another, we will emerge stronger.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other.
Dean Katie Cardarelli
Read previous Messages from Dean Cardarelli