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Awards, Publications, and Presentations
Paper named Article of Influence by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare for 2023-24
Dept. of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences’ Ryan Combs, PhD, Associate Professor, and Hallie Decker, PhD, MS, Associate Director of Research Grants, published a paper that was selected as an Article of Influence by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare for 2023-24. The article, “Gender minority portrayal in patient simulation: transgender and non-binary healthcare providers consider the priorities and ethics of practice”, was printed in the Journal of Healthcare Simulation.Co-authors include UofL School of Medicine colleagues Emily Noonan, Laura Weingartner, and Carrie Bohnert.
Michael Daniels presents current research
Michael Daniels, MS, Biostatistician III, presented his poster, “Clinical Distribution and Impact of Biomarker Triads Consisting of either Quantified HER2 or EGF Receptor with ER and PR Proteins and Expression of Their Cognate Genes,” at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Co-authors included Ari B. Kahn, Kelsey M. Beavers, William Matsui, and James L. Wittliff, and James P. Carson. Daniels also contributed to the article,“Use of Gastric Electrical Stimulation May Predict Hospital Length of Stay in Patients with Gastroparesis Syndromes,” which was recently published in Foregut.
David Johnson named 2024 TILL Teaching Innovation Award Winner
David Johnson, PhD, MPH, CPH, Associate Professor in the Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences, was part of a cohort recognized for their commitment to successful teaching innovations. The group, which included Benne Holwerda, PhD, Dept. of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, Ray Chastain, PhD, College of Business, and student Breanna Ausbrooks examined the impacts of flipped classroom design and was recognized by the review committee as an exceptional contribution to teaching innovation. They were recognized at the 2025 Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference on February 7.
SPHIS Alumna Publishes New Children's Book
Tiffany Robinson, MPH, PMP, has a new children’s book in the Zoe series, Zoe’s Big Flight. This fiction book includes the true journeys and biographies of three real-life pilots and has resources for kids of any age who might have even a slight interest or curiosity in aviation. Driven by a passion for fostering loving families, supportive friendships, and kindness, Robinson's books celebrate diversity with a particular focus on Black children.
Dept. of Health Management & Systems Sciences (HMSS) Faculty Receive Awards at National Big Data Health Science Conference
Professor Bert Little, PhD, FAAAS, FRAI, FRSM, FRSPH, and Assistant Professor Shaminul Shakib, PhD, MPH received awards for their research at the 2025 National Big Data Health Science Conference in Colombia, South Carolina. Dr. Little presented, "Geographic Variation and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Kentucky Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries: Increased Prevalence T2DM and Co-Morbidities (AMI, Retinopathy) But Decreased Renal Failure Rates from 2010 to 2018," and was selected as the "Best Oral Presentation" in the Big Data for Public and Community Health Breakout Session. Dr. Shakib's research, “COVID-19- related Mortality: Association with Social Determinants of Health and Comorbidities among Hospitalized Medicaid Beneficiaries in Kentucky: 2020-2021," was selected as the "Best Oral Presentation" during the Big Data Analytics and Emerging Methodologies Breakout Session.
“What does a Trump presidency mean for maternal and infant health in Africa?”
Dept. of Epidemiology and Population Health Associate Professor Anne Wallis’, MHS, PhD, editorial, “What does a Trump presidency mean for maternal and infant health in Africa?” was published in the African Journal of Reproductive Health. Dr. Wallis explains that under former President Biden, the U.S. reinvested and strengthened global health programs. In contrast, "The coming four years will mean far less financial and diplomatic support for health, humanitarian, and development programs and plenty of room for China, Russia, and extremist groups to destabilize the region."