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SPHIS Student News - Feb. 2025
Junior Ayodeji Agbola was selected to serve as an Admissions Pathway Ambassador in the UofL Office of Admissions. Agbola will assist in highlighting the rich composition in the UofL student body.
Irina Kondaurova, doctoral candidate in the Dept. of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, co-authored, “Adaptive User Interface With Parallel Neural Networks for Robot Teleoperation,” which was published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. The research team led by Ardakani Sharafian reported the statistical analysis of the user trial data showed that Parallel Neural Networks Adaptive User Interface improved the human experience in robot teleoperation by maximizing smoothness while maintaining the completion time of the offline learning scheme. Co-authors from the Louisville Automation and Robotics Research Institute and UofL Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering included: Mohamed Hanafy, Ali Ashary, Madan Rayguru, and Dan Popa.
Senior Romith Paily competed against students from across the country at the National Collegiate Honors Conference in November. Paily won first place for his research, "Disposable E-Cigarettes Evoke Arrhythmias Dependent on Flavors", in the Health Sciences category.
Melody Ucho, doctoral student in the Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences, received third place honors for her poster, “Unmet Health Needs of Menopausal Women and the Economic Cost on the United States: A Literature Review,” at the Kentucky IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) research conference.