Policy & Pain: Health in the New America

When Apr 03, 2025
from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
Where Louisville Central Community Center, 1300 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd
Contact Name
Contact Phone 502-852-3292
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The University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences, in partnership with VOCAL Kentucky (a non-profit focusing on HIV and mass incarceration) is sponsoring a community program focusing on health.

This is a community event designed to educate the general public on how laws and executive orders in the current administration may impact health, particularly for underserved communities. 

The program includes performances by local artists, presentation of study results focusing on incarceration and HIV vulnerability, and a panel discussion about the impact of the current administration’s policies on health and what can be done to ensure optimal well-being for people and communities. 

Jelani Kerr, MSPH, PhD is an Associate Professor and Interim Chair of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Louisville.  My work is in health equity and most of my research examines social factors that make Black communities more vulnerable to HIV.  This work goes beyond measuring inequities to partnering with communities to address them.  Some of this includes programming in faith-based settings to address HIV stigma, helping to establish the local syringe exchange, programming with youth focusing on sexual health education and healthy relationships, and violence prevention initiatives involving art and media.

This event is free and open to the public. RSVP

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